Data Management Research

The division works on multiple projects including:


The current principle project of the division is the National Science Foundation-funded collaborative iSamples, The Internet of Samples, (NSF Award Abstract 2004815) project which is building a production infrastructure to uniquely, consistently, and conveniently identify material samples, record metadata about them, and persistently link them to other samples and derived digital content, including images, data and publications. The iSamples infrastructure emphasizes interoperable discovery across different types of physical sample collections including natural history, genomic, archaeological and geological representatives. 


Vieglais is the Director of Development and Operations for DataONE, a large, multi-institutional cyberinfrastructure development and management collaboration focused on building a sustainable, distributed data repository for earth observation data. DataONE started as a National Science Foundation funded infrastructure project led by Bill Michener of the University of New Mexico. After successful transition of operations to the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) at the University of California, Santa Barbara, DataONE is progressing toward a self-sustaining model of operation. 

NFS Award Proposal 0830944

NFS Award Abstract


ESIP Science-on-Schema

The Earth Science Information Partners (ESIP)  Science on schema group provides guidelines and best practice recommendations for data publishers to leverage JSON-LD metadata markup in landing pages and other online resources to facilitate broad scale discovery of datasets. Vieglais is an active participant in the group and application of the guidelines for data aggregator and discovery systems. 


Identifier Infrastructure

Persistent, globally unique, resolvable identifiers are a key component of a distributed data infrastructure. Vieglais plays an active role in the ongoing development, refinement, and operation of identifier infrastructure for Archival Resources Keys (ARK), International Geo Sample Numbers (IGSN) and Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) and their applications to digital data and physical samples.