A grouping of objects from archaeological excavations. The objects include a red brick, a ivory poker chip, a green class bottle, two ceramic pipe stems, a ceramic pipe bowl, a deer tooth, a rusty key, a fragment of blue on white porcelain plate, a rusty metal door knocker and a white seashell.


Archaeology is the study of past human cultures. Through the analysis of material remains recovered from archaeological sites, archaeologists are able to reconstruct past lifeways, behaviors, and adaptations, often through an interdisciplinary approach.

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The archaeological collections size is estimated at 3 million artifacts. These collections comprise one of the largest of prehistoric and historic artifacts within the state of Kansas. Photo courtesy of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Kansas City District, Clinton Lake Project Area, 009-088.

Glass bottle with a slight blue tint. Bottle is dirty and has some cloudy white spots. There is raised lettering on the side of the bottle.


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two archaeology researchers