Museum Volunteer Program
Museum Tidiness Assistant
Museum Tidiness Assistants help keep the museum clean and comfortable for our guests. You will clean glass, signage, and railings throughout the museum, restock pamphlets and brochures, tidy stools, and pick up items left behind by visitors.
Time commitment: 1 hour/week. Same day each week, anytime 1pm-5pm.
Science Corps Volunteer
Science Corps Volunteers assist with Natural History Museum events, activities and special projects at the museum and in the community. Volunteers may assist staff with educational science activities for families, children and school groups at in-house events and outreach programs, and help with event set-up and tear-down. Time commitment: About 4 hours/month. Scheduling based on museum event calendar and volunteer needs.
All volunteers must be 18 years of age or older and able to pass a background check.