Invertebrate Zoology Collection
The Invertebrate Zoology Collection contains more than 2,000 lots, including more than 100 type specimens.
The KU Invertebrate Zoology collection currently comprises nearly 10,000 specimens in 2,123 lots, with the majority being Anthozoa (Cnidaria), but also including significant holdings of molluscs (bivalves and gastropods), clitellates (Annelida), and freshwater crustaceans (Arthropoda); minor holdings of Porifera, Bryozoa, Echinodermata, Nematoda, and Platyhelminthes are also represented. The majority is stored in fluid (ethanol and formalin) with a subset representing dry specimens (e.g., mussel shells). Type material includes ~100 type specimens (holotypes, paratypes, etc.) of mainly anthozoans (Cnidaria) and clitellates (Annelida).
Specimens in the Division of Invertebrate Zoology are generally available for research or educational uses. Loans will be granted at the discretion of a curator to qualified professionals, to graduate students through their faculty advisor, and to other qualified borrowers.
Collection Policies
If you wish to borrow specimens from the collection, please send an email to the curator, Kirsten Jensen at jensen@ku.edu. You may also send a written request to:
Kirsten Jensen
KU Invertebrate Zoology
1200 Sunnyside Avenue, Haworth Hall
University of Kansas
Lawrence, KS 66045-7534
Please include the following information:
- Borrower's name and contact details (including institutional mailing address, phone number, fax number and email address).
- A list of the specimens requested, as well as preparation type and size desired.
- A brief description of the research project or proposed use of specimens.
The loan policy is available upon request from Kirsten Jensen (jensen@ku.edu).