Paleontological Contributions - Manuscript Submission Information

Manuscript Preparation

Manuscripts must be in the correct format before submission, therefore please follow all formatting guidelines in the Paleontological Contributions Author Guidelines (pdf).  An abstract that condenses essential new information from the text and lists all new taxonomic names is required, along with up to five key words not in the title.

A table of contents must accompany longer papers to indicate the level of headings. The metric system is to be used throughout the text and on illustrations. Where necessary, measurements in other standards may be given in parentheses.

Contact the editorial office if you have any questions after consulting the author guidelines at

Illustrations of all sorts are termed "figures" and are to be numbered sequentially according to their first mention in the text. Illustrations should be planned for one-column (9.0 cm) or two-columns width (18.3 cm). Where possible, photographs of fossils or other subjects should be illuminated from the upper left and photographed on white backgrounds. Photographs must have a high tonal range and high resolution. Stereoscopic pairs must be planned for the same interocular distance throughout the publication, typically in the range of 55 to 70 mm.

Manuscript Submission

All manuscripts must be submitted through our online manuscript submission site. Authors submitting new manuscripts should include a cover letter describing their manuscript and its relevance for the Paleontological Contributions, one manuscript file, figures, or tables, as well as any animations, executables, and other dynamic files, each uploaded as a separate file.

The manuscript file should consist of the following subdivisions:

1. title

2. author listing and author affiliations

3. abstract and keywords

4. manuscript text

5. acknowledgments

6. references

7. figure and table captions (NOTE: figures should be at least 300 dpi).

8. any appendices.

Manuscripts should be submitted in one of the following file formats: .doc, txt, or .rtf. 

If file alternatives are necessary, or larger file sizes are critical to the manuscript and you need file transfer options, please contact the managing editor by emailing