Ben Wiens

- Doctoral Candidate - Mammalogy
Contact Info
1345 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Personal Links
Biography —
Ben is an evolutionary biologist and mammalogist interested in the genomics of hybridization and speciation.
Advisor: Jocelyn Colella
Research Interest: Evolution, phylogeography, genomic basis of adaptation within mammals
Hometown: Goessel, Kansas
Education —
Selected Publications —
Wiens, B. J., & Colella, J. P. (2024). triangulaR: an R package for identifying AIMs and building triangle plots using SNP data from hybrid zones. bioRxiv.
Wiens, B. J., & Colella, J. P. (2024). That's Not a Hybrid: How to Distinguish Patterns of Admixture and Isolation By Distance. Molecular Ecology Resources, e14039.
Androski, A., Wiens, B. J., Cook, J. A., Dawson, N. G., & Colella, J. P. (2024). Phylogeography of mammals in Southeast Alaska and implications for management of the Tongass National Forest. The Journal of Wildlife Management, e22627.
Wiens, B. J., Combe, F. J., Dickerson, B., Divine, L. M., Padula, V. M., Sage, G. K., Talbot, S. L. & Hope, A. G. (2022). Genetic drift drives rapid speciation of an Arctic insular endemic shrew (Sorex pribilofensis). Molecular Ecology, 31(20), 5231-5248.
Selected Presentations —
- Wiens, B.J., Colella, J.P. Unidirectional mitochondrial introgression supports distinct biogeographic history of red-backed voles in Southeast Alaska. Central Plains Society of Mammalogists. Hays, Kansas, October, 2024. Oral presentation.
- Wiens, B.J., Colella, J.P. That’s not a hybrid: Using triangle plots to distinguish patterns of admixture and isolation-by-distance. KU Center for Genomics Symposium. Lawrence, Kansas, May, 2024. Poster.
- Wiens, B.J., Colella, J.P. Patterns of red-backed vole hybridization across three contact zones and four decades of sampling. Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. Anchorage, Alaska, July, 2023. Oral presentation.
- Wiens, B.J., Combe, F.J., Hope, A.G. Genetic drift drives differentiation of an endangered insular shrew (Sorex pribilofensis). Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. Virtual meeting, June, 2021. Invited oral presentation.
- Wiens, B.J. Evolutionary and Demographic History of the Pribilof Island Shrew. Alaska Small Mammal Group Meeting. Virtual meeting, April, 2021. Oral presentation.
- Wiens, B.J. Climate Change and Island Isolation: Phylogeography and conservation of the St. Paul Island shrew. Meeting of the Central Plains Society of Mammalogists. Virtual meeting, October, 2020. Oral presentation.
Awards & Honors —
- Wiens, B.J. Anna M. Jackson Award. American Society of Mammalogists. $2,000. Spring 2021.
- Wiens, B.J. Best Oral Presentation. Meeting of the Central Plains Society of Mammalogists. $50. Fall 2020.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
- Wiens, B.J. Research Grant. Biology Graduate Research Association, Kansas State University. $500. Fall 2020.
- Wiens, B.J. Travel Grant. Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. Spring 2020
Memberships —
- American Society of Mammalogists
- Society of Systematic Biologists
- Society for the Study of Evolution