Caleb Morse

- Collection Manager - Botany
Contact Info
Biography —
As the collection manager for the Division of Botany, Caleb is responsible, in conjunction with the curators, for the oversight of Division operations, development and implementation of Herbarium policies and protocols, identification of plant and lichen specimens sent to the Herbarium, and collection, identification, and curation of plant and lichen specimens. In addition to this, he is involved in ongoing research on the lichen flora of the Great Plains.
Education —
Graduated with high distinction
Selected Publications —
Freeman, C.C. and C. A. Morse. In press. Vascular Flora of the Dingus Natural Area, Linn County, Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science.
Lendemer, J. C., F. Bungartz, C. A. Morse, and E. A. Manzitto-Tripp. 2022. Sarcogyne similis (Acarosporaceae) produces psoromic acid and is confirmed to be widespread in North America. The Bryologist 125: 91–101.
Ladd, D. and C. A. Morse. 2022. A new species of Phaeocalicium (Mycocaliciaceae) on black walnut in central North America. The Bryologist 125: 36–42.
Morse, C. A. and D. Ladd. 2021. A new species of Reichlingia (Arthoniaceae) from the grasslands of central North America. The Bryologist 124: 33–38.
Quedensley, T. S., D. A. Kruse, and C. A. Morse. 2001. An inventory of a private property illustrates diverse cyptogam floras in north central Texas. Castanea 82: 245–265.
Morse, C. A. and J. W. Sheard. 2020. Rinodinalecideopsis (Teloschistales, Physciaceae) a new endemic species from the central United States related to R. bischoffii. The Bryologist 123: 31–38.
Freeman, C. C. and C. A. Morse. 2019. New and interesting vascular plant records for the Central United States. Missouriensis 37: 16–38.
Morse, C. A. and D. Ladd. 2019. Staurothele nemorum sp. nov. (Ascomycota: Verrucariaceae), with a revised key to North American Staurothele s. lat. Lichenologist 51: 495–506.
Tripp, E. A., C. A. Morse, K. G. Keepers, C. A. Stewart, C. S. Pogoda, K. H. White, J. R. Hoffman, N. C. Kane, and C. M. McCain. 2019. Evidence of substrate endemism of lichens on Fox Hills Sandstone: Discovery and description of Lecanora lendemeri as new to science. The Bryologist 122: 246–259.
Morse, C. A. and J. C. Lendemer. 2019. A new Biatoridium from eastern North America, with comments on the disposition of species of Biatorellasensu Magnusson. The Bryologist 122: 1–9.
Ladd, D. and C. A. Morse. 2018. A new lichenicolous species of Toninia (Ramalinaceae) on Dermatocarpon in central North America. The Bryologist121: 214–220.
Morse, C. A. and D. Ladd. 2016. Lecanora inaurata, a new member of the L. subfusca group from central North America. The Lichenologist 48: 377–385.
Advaita, M. K., C. A. Morse, and D. Ladd. 2016. Lichens, lichenicolous fungi, and allied fungi of Pipestone National Monument, Minnesota, revisited. Opuscula Philolichenum 15: 56–81.
Morse, C.A. 2016. Two new species of Thelenella and new reports from the Great Plains of central North America, with a world-wide key to the genus. Opuscula Philolichenum 15: 22–36.
Morse, C. A. and D. Ladd. 2015. Lichenes Exsiccati Magnicamporum Fascicle 1, with comments on selected taxa. Opuscula Philolichenum14: 66–81.
Morse, C. A. 2013. A new lichenicolous Enterographa (Arthoniales, Roccellaceae) from central North America. Opuscula Philolichenum12: 233–240.
Morse, C. A. and D. Ladd. 2013. A new species of Fellhanera (lichenized Ascomycota: Pilocarpaceae) from central North America. The Lichenologist 45: 341–346.
Esslinger, T. L., C. A. Morse, and S. D. Leavitt. 2012. A new North American species in the lichen genus Hyperphyscia. The Bryologist 115: 31–41.
Ladd, D. and C. A. Morse. 2012. Endemism lost: Lecanora pallidochlorina (Lecanorales, lichenized Ascomycota) in the Great Plains, U. S. A. Opuscula Philolichenum 11: 60–63.
Sheard, J. W., K. Knudsen, H. Mayrhofer, and C. A. Morse. 2011. Three new species of Rinodina (Physciaceae) and a new record from North America. The Bryologist114:453–465.
Westberg, M., C. A. Morse, and M. Wedin. 2011. Two new species of Candelariella and key to the Candelariales (lichenized Ascomycetes) in North America. The Bryologist114: 325–334.
Lendemer, J. C. and C. A. Morse. 2010.Caloplaca yuchiorum (Teloschistaceae, Lichenized Ascomycota), a new sorediate species from North America. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Club 137: 327–332.
Morse, C. A. and J. R. Reveal. 2009. Neotypification of Artemisia carruthii (Asteraceae: Anthemideae). Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas3: 667–672.
Knudsen, K. and C. A. Morse. 2009. Acarospora nicolai, a rediscovered species. The Bryologist 112: 147–151.
Harris, R. H. and C. A. Morse. 2008. Monoblastiopsis (Dothideomycetes, Pleosporales, incertae sedis), a new genus from the Great Plains and Ozark Highlands. Opuscula Philolichenum 5: 89–96.
Morse, C. A., C. C. Freeman, and R. L. McGregor. 2007. New, corrected, and interesting records for the Kansas vascular flora. Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 1: 753–761.
Morse, C. A. 2005. Appendix A: Habitat map and floristic quality analysis. In: Fort Leavenworth Military Reservation Integrated Natural Resource Management Plan.
Freeman, C. C., W. H. Busby, J. Delisle, W. D. Kettle, K. Kindscher, H. Loring, C. A. Morse, and V. B. Salisbury. 2003. A natural areas inventory of the Ft. Leavenworth Military Reservation, Leavenworth County, Kansas. II. Open-file Report No. 117. Kansas Biological Survey. Lawrence, KS. 199 pp.
Freeman, C. F., C. A. Morse, and R. L. McGregor. 2003. New vascular plant records for the grassland biome of central North America. Sida 20: 1289–1297.
Freeman, C. F., C. A. Morse, and J. P. Thurmond. 2003. The vascular flora of the Ogallala ecotone on the Dempsey Divide, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma. Sida 20: 1217–1245.
Freeman, C. C. and C. A. Morse. 2002. Kansas floristic quality assessment: coefficients of conservatism for plants in southeast Kansas. Unpublished report submitted to Kansas Dept. of Health and Environment. R.L. McGregor Herbarium, University of Kansas. Lawrence, KS. 29 pp.
Thurmond, J. P., C. C. Freeman, K. Kindscher, H. Loring, C. A. Morse, and B. W. Hoagland. 2002. Preliminary report of an ethnobotanical survey along the Ogallala ecotone on the Dempsey Divide in Roger Mills County, Oklahoma. Oklahoma Archeology 50: 10–37.
Freeman, C. F., R. L. McGregor, and C. A. Morse. 1998. Vascular plants new to Kansas. Sida 18: 593–604.
Morse, C. A. 1998. Systematics and taxonomy of Stenotus Nutt. (Asteraceae: Astereae). Master's thesis submitted to the University of Kansas. 139 pp.
Awards & Honors —
Phi Beta Kappa, December 1992
Memberships —
American Bryological and Lichenological Society
British Lichen Society