Chris Beard

- Senior Curator - Vertebrate Paleontology
Contact Info
1345 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
Dr. Beard is a vertebrate paleontologist interested in the origin and early evolution of primates and how changes in the Earth’s physical environment have impacted Cenozoic mammals.
Learn more about his research by visiting his website.
Education —
with Highest Honors
Research —
Chris Beard studies the origin and early evolutionary history of primates and other mammals. Longstanding focal points of Beard’s research have included the macroevolutionary events surrounding the origin of the order Primates and its major clades, particularly anthropoids. Another priority is to document and interpret major episodes of faunal turnover in the fossil record, especially that which transpired across the Paleocene-Eocene boundary. Beard is especially interested in understanding how changes in the Earth’s physical environment, including major tectonic events and ancient episodes of climate change, have impacted the biogeography and evolutionary history of primates and other mammals. Current field projects are both domestic and international in scope, ranging from the Paleocene and Eocene of southwestern Wyoming to the early Cenozoic of China, Myanmar, Turkey and Libya.
Teaching —
Foundation Distinguished Professor, Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas
Selected Publications —
Beard, K.C., and Métais, G. 2024. Oldest record of Apatemyidae (Mammalia, Apatotheria) from Spain and the taxonomic status of Spanish paromomyids (Mammalia, Primatomorpha). Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 39: e1730389. doi:10.1080/02724634.2023.2288651
Métais, G., Coster, P.M.C., Licht, A., Ocakoğlu, F., and Beard, K.C. 2023. Additions to the late Eocene Süngülü mammal fauna in easternmost Anatolia and the Eocene-Oligocene transition at the periphery of Balkanatolia. Comptes Rendus Palevol 22: 711-727. doi:10.5852/cr-palevol2023v22a35
Rust, K., Ni, X., Tietjen, K., and Beard, K.C. 2023. Phylogeny and paleobiogeography of the enigmatic North American primate Ekgmowechashala illuminated by new fossils from Nebraska (USA) and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (China). Journal of Human Evolution 185: 103452. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2023.103452
Jones, M.F., and Beard, K.C. 2023. Nyctitheriidae (Mammalia, ?Eulipotyphla) from the late Paleocene of Big Multi Quarry, southern Wyoming, and a revision of the subfamily Placentidentinae. Annals of Carnegie Museum 88: 115-159. doi:10.2992/007.088.0202
Beard, K.C., Coster, P.M.C., Ocakoğlu, F., Licht, A., and Métais, G. 2023. Dental anatomy, phylogenetic relationships and paleoecology of Orhaniyeia nauta (Metatheria, Anatoliadelphyidae), a Gondwanan component of the insular Eocene mammal fauna of Balkanatolia (north-central Turkey). Journal of Mammalian Evolution 30: 859-872. doi:10.1007/s10914-023-09680-6
Miller, K., Tietjen, K., and Beard, K.C. 2023. Basal Primatomorpha colonized Ellesmere Island (Arctic Canada) during the hyperthermal conditions of the early Eocene climatic optimum. PLoS ONE 18: e0280114. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0280114
Campbell, C.F., Mueller, M.A., Taylor, M.H., Ocakoğlu, F., Möller, A., Métais, G., Coster, P.M.C., Beard, K.C., and Licht, A. 2023. The geodynamic implications of passive margin subduction in northwest Turkey. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24: e2022GC010481. doi:10.1029/2022GC010481
Mueller, M.A., Licht, A., Campbell, C., Ocakoğlu, F., Akşit, G.G., Métais, G., Coster, P.M.C., Beard, K.C., and Taylor, M.H.. 2022. Sedimentary provenance from the evolving forearc-to-foreland central Sakarya Basin, western Anatolia reveals multi-phase intercontinental collision. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 23: e2021GC010232. doi:10.1029/2021GC010232
Licht, A., Métais, G., Coster, P., Ibilioğlu, D., Ocakoğlu, F., Westerweel, J., Mueller, M., Campbell, C., Mattingly, S., Wood, M.C., and Beard, K.C. 2022. Balkanatolia: The insular mammalian biogeographic province that partly paved the way to the Grande Coupure. Earth-Science Reviews 226: 103929. doi:10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.103929
Jones, M.F., Li, Q., Ni, X., and Beard, K.C. 2021. The earliest Asian bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) address major gaps in bat evolution. Biology Letters 17: 20210185. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2021.0185
Boyer, D.M., Schaeffer, L.M., and Beard, K.C. 2021. New dentaries of Chiromyoides (Primatomorpha, Plesiadapidae) and a reassessment of the “mammalian woodpecker” ecological niche. Geobios 66-67: 77-102. doi:10.1016/j.geobios.2021.03.002
Mattingly, S.G., Beard, K.C., Salem, M.J., Chaimanee, Y., and Jaeger, J.-J. 2021. A new parapithecine (Primates: Anthropoidea) from the early Oligocene of Libya supports parallel evolution of large body size among parapithecids. Journal of Human Evolution153: 102957. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2021.102957
Mattingly, S.G., Beard, K.C., Coster, P.M.C., Salem, M.J., Chaimanee, Y., and Jaeger, J.-J. 2020. A new carnivoraform from the early Oligocene of Libya: Oldest known record of Carnivoramorpha in Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences 172: 103994. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2020.103994
Beard, K.C., Métais, G., Ocakoğlu, F., and Licht, A. 2021. An omomyid primate from the Pontide microcontinent of north-central Anatolia: Implications for sweepstakes dispersal of terrestrial mammals during the Eocene. Geobios 66-67: 143-152. doi:10.1016/j.geobios.2020.06.008
Beard, K.C., Jones, M.F., Thurber, N.A., and Sanisidro, O. 2020. Systematics and paleobiology of Chiromyoides (Mammalia, Plesiadapidae) from the Upper Paleocene of western North America and western Europe. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 39: e1730389. doi:10.1080/02724634.2019.1730389
Mueller, M.A., Licht, A., Campbell, C., Ocakoğlu, F., Taylor, M.H., Burch, L., Ugrai, T., Kaya, M., Kurtoğlu, B., Coster, P.M.C., Métais, G., and Beard, K.C. 2019. Collision chronology along the İzmir-Ankara-Erzincan suture zone: insights from the Sarıcakaya Basin, Western Anatolia. Tectonics 38: 3652-3674. doi:10.1029/2019TC005683
Coster, P.M., Soe, A.N., Beard, K.C., Chaimanee, Y., Sein, C., Lazzari, V., and Jaeger, J.-J. 2019. Astragalus of Pondaungimys (Rodentia, Anomaluroidea) from the late middle Eocene Pondaung Formation, central Myanmar. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 36: e1552156. doi:10.1080/02724634.2018.1552156
Jones, M.F., Coster, P.M.C., Licht, A., Métais, G., Ocakoğlu, F., Taylor, M.H., and Beard, K.C. 2019. A stem bat (Chiroptera: Palaeochiropterygidae) from the late middle Eocene of northern Anatolia: implications for the dispersal and palaeobiology of early bats. Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments 99: 261-269. doi:10.1007/s12549-018-0338-z
Métais, G., Coster, P.M., Kappelman, J.R., Licht, A., Ocakoğlu, F., Taylor, M.H., and Beard, K.C. 2018. Eocene metatherians from Anatolia illuminate the assembly of an island fauna during Deep Time. PLoS ONE 13: e0206181. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0206181
Rossie, J.B., Smith, T.D., Beard, K.C., Godinot, M., and Rowe, T.B. 2018. Nasolacrimal anatomy and haplorhine origins. Journal of Human Evolution 114: 176-183. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2017.11.004
Gebo, D.L., Dagosto, M., Ni, X., and Beard, K.C. 2017. Phalangeal morphology of Shanghuang fossil primates. Journal of Human Evolution 113: 38-82. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2017.08.001
Mattingly, S.G., Sanisidro, O., and Beard, K.C. 2017. A new species of Carpolestes (Mammalia, Plesiadapoidea) from the late Paleocene of southern Wyoming: assessing changes in size and shape during the evolution of a key anatomical feature. Historical Biology 30: 1031-1042. doi:10.1080/08912963.2017.1328509
Licht, A., Coster, P., Ocakoğlu, F., Campbell, C., Métais, G., Mulch, A., Taylor, M., Kappelman, J., and Beard, K.C. 2017. Tectono-stratigraphy of the Orhaniye Basin, Turkey: implications for collision chronology and Paleogene biogeography of central Anatolia. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 143: 45-58. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2017.03.033
Métais, G., Erdal, O., Erturaç, K., and Beard, K.C. 2017. Tarsal morphology of the pleuraspidotheriid mammal Hilalia from the middle Eocene of Turkey. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 62: 173-179. doi:10.4202/app.00314.2016
Gebo, D.L., Dagosto, M., Beard, K.C., and Ni, X. 2017. Cuboid morphology of a basal anthropoid from the Eocene of China. Journal of Human Evolution 102: 72-74. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2016.10.003
Beard, K.C. 2016. Out of Asia: anthropoid origins and the colonization of Africa. Annual Review of Anthropology 45: 199-213. doi:10.1146/annurev-anthro-102215-100019
Beard, K.C., Ni, X., Wang, Y.-Q., Meng, J., and Gebo, D.L. 2016. Dentition of Subengius mengi (Mammalia: Plesiadapoidea) and a reassessment of the phylogenetic relationships of Asian Carpolestidae. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 54: 181-211.
Ni, X., Li, Q., Li, L., and Beard, K.C. 2016. Oligocene primates from China reveal divergence between African and Asian primate evolution. Science 352: 673-677. doi:10.1126/science.aaf2107
Beard, K.C., Coster, P.M.C., Salem, M.J., Chaimanee, Y., and Jaeger, J.-J. 2016. A new species of Apidium (Anthropoidea, Parapithecidae) from the Sirt Basin, central Libya: First record of Oligocene primates from Libya. Journal of Human Evolution 90: 29-37. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2015.08.010
Beard, K.C., and Coster, P.M. 2016. Upper molar morphology of the early Oligocene Egyptian anthropoid Qatrania wingi. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 159: 714-721. doi:10.1002/ajpa.22913
Coster, P.M.C., Beard, K.C., Salem, M.J., Chaimanee, Y., and Jaeger, J.-J. 2015. New fossils from the Paleogene of central Libya illuminate the evolutionary history of endemic African anomaluroid rodents. Frontiers in Earth Science 3: 56. doi:10.3389/feart.2015.00056
Gebo, D.L., Beard, K.C., Ni, X., and Dagosto, M. 2015. Distal phalanges of Eosimias and Hoanghonius. Journal of Human Evolution86: 92-98. doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2015.05.014
Coster, P.M.C., Beard, K.C., Salem, M.J., Chaimanee, Y., Brunet, M., and Jaeger, J.-J. 2015. A new early Oligocene mammal fauna from the Sirt Basin, central Libya: biostratigraphic and paleobiogeographic implications. Journal of African Earth Sciences 104: 43-55. doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2015.01.006
2014. New chiropterans from the middle Eocene of Shanghuang (Jiangsu Province, coastal China): New insight into the dawn horseshoe bats (Rhinolophidae) in Asia. Zoologica Scripta 43: 1-23 (A. Ravel, L. Marivaux, T. Qi, Y.-Q. Wang, and K. C. Beard).
2013. Uniquely derived upper molar morphology of Eocene Amphipithecidae (Primates: Anthropoidea): Homology and phylogeny. Journal of Human Evolution 65: 143-155 (P. Coster, K. C. Beard, Aung Naing Soe, Chit Sein, Y. Chaimanee, V. Lazzari, X. Valentin, and J.-J. Jaeger).
2013. The oldest known primate skeleton and early haplorhine evolution. Nature 498: 60-64 (X.-J. Ni, D. L. Gebo, M. Dagosto, J. Meng, P. Tafforeau, J. J. Flynn, and K. C. Beard).
2013. Anthropoid origins. In: A Companion to Paleoanthropology (D. R. Begun, ed.), pp. 358-375. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, United Kingdom.
2012. The early Eocene rodent Tuscahomys (Cylindrodontidae) from the Great Divide Basin, Wyoming: Phylogeny, biogeography, and paleoecology. Annals of Carnegie Museum 80: 187-205 (R. L. Anemone, M. R. Dawson, and K. C. Beard).
2012. Late middle Eocene primate from Myanmar and the initial anthropoid colonization of Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109: 10293-10297 (Y. Chaimanee, O. Chavasseau, K. C. Beard, Aung Aung Kyaw, Aung Naing Soe, Chit Sein, V. Lazzari, L. Marivaux, B. Marandat, Myat Swe, M. Rugbumrung, Thit Lwin, X. Valentin, Zin-Maung-Maung-Thein, and J.-J. Jaeger).
2012. New micromomyid plesiadapiforms (Mammalia, Euarchonta) from the late Paleocene of Big Multi Quarry, Washakie Basin, Wyoming. Annals of Carnegie Museum 80: 159-172 (S. G. B. Chester and K. C. Beard).
2011. Early Eocene perissodactyls (Mammalia) from the upper Nomogen Formation of the Erlian Basin, Nei Mongol, China. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 49: 123-140 (Y. Wang, J. Meng, X. Jin, K. C. Beard, B. Bai, P. Li, X. Ni, Q. Li, and D. L. Gebo).
2011. Eocene mammals from the Akasaki and Nakakoshiki formations, western Kyushu, Japan: Preliminary work and correlation with Asian land mammal ages. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 49: 53-68 (K. Miyata, Y. Tomida, K. C. Beard, G. F. Gunnell, H. Ugai, and K. Hirose).
2010. Late middle Eocene epoch of Libya yields earliest known radiation of African anthropoids. Nature 467: 1095-1098 (J.-J. Jaeger, K. C. Beard, Y. Chaimanee, M. Salem, M. Benammi, O. A. Hlal, P. Coster, A. A. Bilal, P. Duringer, M. Schuster, X. Valentin, B. Marandat, L. Marivaux, E. Métais, O. Hammuda, and M. Brunet).
2010. Paleocene Hapalodectes (Mammalia: Mesonychia) from Subeng, Inner Mongolia: Further evidence of “East of Eden” dispersal at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary. Vertebrata PalAsiatica 48: 375-389 (K. C. Beard, Y. Wang, J. Meng, X. Ni, D. L. Gebo, and C. Li).
2010. The phylogenetic affinities of the Pondaung tali. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 143: 223-234 (M. Dagosto, L. Marivaux, D. L. Gebo, K. C. Beard, Y. Chaimanee, J.-J. Jaeger, B. Marandat, Aung Naing Soe, and Aung Aung Kyaw).
2010. Talar morphology, phylogenetic affinities and locomotor adaptation of a large-bodied amphipithecid primate from the late middle Eocene of Myanmar. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 143: 208-222 (L. Marivaux, K. C. Beard, Y. Chaimanee, M. Dagosto, D. L. Gebo, F. Guy, B. Marandat, Kyaw Khaing, Aung Aung Kyaw, Myo Oo, Chit Sein, Aung Naing Soe, Myat Swe, and J.-J. Jaeger).
2010. A new tarkadectine primate from the Eocene of Inner Mongolia, China: Phylogenetic and biogeographic implications. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277: 247-256 (X. Ni, J. Meng, K. C. Beard, D. L. Gebo, Y. Wang, and C. Li).
2009. A new species of Gomphos (Glires, Mammalia) from the Eocene of the Erlian Basin, Nei Mongol, China. American Museum Novitates 3670: 1-11 (J. Meng, B. P. Kraatz, Y. Wang, X. Ni, D. L. Gebo, and K. C. Beard).
2009. Early Wasatchian mammals of the Red Hot local fauna, uppermost Tuscahoma Formation, Lauderdale County, Mississippi. Annals of Carnegie Museum 78: 193-243 (K. C. Beard and M. R. Dawson).
2009. A new primate from the Eocene Pondaung Formation of Myanmar and the monophyly of Burmese amphipithecids. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 276: 3285-3294 (K. C. Beard, L. Marivaux, Y. Chaimanee, J.-J. Jaeger, B. Marandat, P. Tafforeau, Aung Naing Soe, Soe Thura Tun and Aung Aung Kyaw).
2008. New primate hind limb elements from the middle Eocene of China. Journal of Human Evolution 55: 999-1014 (D. L. Gebo, M. Dagosto, K. C. Beard, and X. Ni).
2008. Middle Eocene artiodactyls from Shanghuang (Jiangsu Province, coastal China) and the diversity of basal dichobunoids in Asia. Naturwissenschaften 95: 1121-1135 (G. Métais, T. Qi, J. Guo, and K. C. Beard).
2008. Proximal femoral anatomy of a sivaladapid primate from the late middle Eocene Pondaung Formation (central Myanmar). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 137: 263-273 (L. Marivaux, K. C. Beard, Y. Chaimanee, J.-J. Jaeger, B. Marandat, Aung Naing Soe, Soe Thura Tun, and Aung Aung Kyaw).
2008. A new early Eocene arctostylopid (Arctostylopida, Mammalia) from the Erlian Basin, Nei Mongol (Inner Mongolia), China. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28: 553-558 (Y. Wang, J. Meng, X. Ni, and K. C. Beard).
2008. Reply to Gingerich et al.: Oldest North American primate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105: E31.
2008. Primate tibiae from the middle Eocene Shanghuang fissure-fillings of eastern China. In: Mammalian Evolutionary Morphology: A Tribute to Frederick S. Szalay (E. J. Sargis and M. Dagosto, eds.), pp. 315-324. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. (M. Dagosto, D. L. Gebo, X. Ni, T. Qi, and K. C. Beard).
2008. First myliobatiform teeth (Elasmobranchii, Neoselachii) from the Pondaung Formation (late middle Eocene) of central Myanmar. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie Abhandlungen 247: 335-340 (S. Adnet, H. Capetta, K. C. Beard, L. Marivaux, B. Marandat, Y. Chaimanee, J.-J. Jaeger, Soe Thura Tun, and Aung Naing Soe).
2008. The oldest North American primate and mammalian biogeography during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105: 3815-3818.
Awards & Honors —
MacArthur Fellowship, John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (awarded in 2000).
Phi Beta Kappa Society Science Book Award for The Hunt for the Dawn Monkey (2005).
W.W. Howells Book Award for The Hunt for the Dawn Monkey, Biological Anthropology Section, American Anthropological Association (2005).
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
National Science Foundation BCS 1157142 (2012) “Into Africa: The Initial Colonization of Africa by Early Cenozoic Anthropoids,” $384,119.
National Science Foundation BCS 0820602 (2008) “Collaborative Research: Paleontological Investigation of Early Primate Evolution in Asia,” $173,212.
National Science Foundation DBI 0821644 (2008) “Acquisition of a Variable Pressure SEM to enable Research, Education, and Services at Carnegie Museum of Natural History,” $280,000 (Co-PI with J.E. Rawlins, J.R. Wible, K. Handron, and S.L. Olsen).
United States Department of the Interior: Save America’s Treasures Program (2005) “Vertebrate Paleontology Collection of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History,” $450,000 (Co-PI with B. DeWalt, B. Hamann).
National Science Foundation BCS 0309800 (2003) “Investigating the Origin and Early Evolution of Primates in Asia,” $267,002 (Co-PI with J. Meng).
National Science Foundation DEB 0073414 (2000) “SGER: Salvaging a Unique Early Eocene Biota from the Gulf Coastal Plain of Mississippi,” $60,001.
Memberships —
American Association of Physical Anthropologists
Society for the Study of Mammalian Evolution
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology