Hans-Peter Schultze

  • Curator Emeritus - Vertebrate Paleontology

Contact Info

Dyche Hall
1345 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045


Hans-Peter Schultze is a vertebrate paleontologist studying fossil fishes and their depositional environment.


B.S. in Vordiplom in Geology , University of Freiburg, 1958, Breisgau, Germany
M.S. in Diplom in Geology, University of Tübingen, 1962, Germany
Ph.D. in Promotion in Paleontology , University of Tübingen, 1965, Germany


Dr. Schultze is interested in the interrelationships of early osteichthyans and the relationship between marine and freshwater depositional environments in the Paleozoic. He studies the split of the osteichthyans in to the two major groups, sarcopterygians and actinopterygians in the Late Silurian/Early Devonian and the transition from fish-like to tetrapod-like sarcopterygians in the Devonian. He investigates as far as vertebrate fossils can be used to determine the depositional environment of Paleozoic localities.


In Göttingen:    

Paläontologie II (Vertebrata)

Zoologie für Geologen (Zoology for geologists)

Einführung in die Paläontologie (Introduction to paleontology)    

Paläontologische Arbeitsmethoden (Methods in paleontology)    

Übung in Paläontologie und Evolution für Zoologen (Lab. in paleontology and evolution for zoologists)    

Bestimmung mitteleuropäischer Säuger (Identification of central European mammals)   

Hartgewebe im Dünnschliff (Hard tissue in thin sections)

In Lawrence:    

Paleontology of Lower Vertebrates    

Laboratory in Mammalian Anatomy (with lecture)    

Comparative Anatomy    

Evolutionary Morphology    

Structure and Evolution of fishes

Actinopterygian Interrelationships

Biology of Dinosaurs

In Berlin:     

Vergleichende Anatomie der Wirbeltiere (Comparative anatomy of vertebrates)

Struktur und Phylogenie der Knochenfische (Structure and Phylogeny of bony fishes)

Historische Entwicklung der niederen Wirbeltiere (Historical evolution of lower vertebrates)

At Univ. Warmia a. Mazary, Fac. Biol. in Olsztyn (former Allenstein), Poland:

Projekt Eurobiol Mai 2011: 

The caudal skeleton  of teleostean fishes

The origin of tetrapods

The interrelationship of lower vertebrates

Selected Publications

Morphologische und histologische Untersuchungen an Schuppen mesozoischer Actinopterygier (Uebergang von Ganoid- zu Rundschuppen). – N. Jb. Geol. Paläontol. Abh. 126, (3): 232-314, 61 Abb., Taf. 49-53, Stuttgart 1966.

Palaeoniscoidea-Schuppen aus dem Unterdevon Australiens und Kanadas und aus dem Mitteldevon Spitzbergens. – Bull. Brit. Mus. (Natur. Hist.), Geology, 16, (7): 343-368, 19 Abb., 4 Taf., London 1968.

Griphognathus GROSS, ein langschnauziger Dipnoer aus dem Oberdevon von Bergisch-Gladbach (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge) und von Lettland. – Geologica et Palaeontologica 3: 21-79, 43 Abb., 1 Taf., Marburg 1969.

Ein Nothosauride aus dem unteren Mittel-Keuper Unterfrankens. – Göttinger Arb. Geol. Paläontol. 5, H. Martin Festschr.: 101-112, 2 Abb., 1 Taf., Göttingen 1970.

Folded Teeth and the Monophyletic Origin of Tetrapods. – Amer. Mus. Novitates, No. 2408: 10 pp., 4 figs., New York 1970.

Die Faltenzähne der rhipidistiiden Crossopterygier, der Tetrapoden und der Actinopterygier-Gattung Lepisosteus; nebst einer Beschreibung der Zahnstruktur von Onychodus (struniiformer Crossopterygier). – Palaeontographica Italica 65 (n.ser. 35): 63-137, 26 Abb., 28 Taf., Pisa 1969.

Indaginilepis rhombifera n. gen. et n. sp., ein altertümlicher Palaeoniscoide (Pisces, Actinopterygii) aus dem Wealden von Norddeutschland.  - Paläontol. Z. 44: 10-24, 3 Abb., Taf. 1, Stuttgart 1970.

Die Histologie der Wirbelkörper der Dipnoer.  The histological structure of the centra of dipnoans. – N. Jb. Geol. Paläontol. Abh. 135, (3): 311-336, 6 Abb., 5 Taf., Stuttgart 1970.

Ueber Nothosaurus.  Neubeschreibung eines Schädels aus dem Keuper. – Senckenbergiana Lethaea 51: 211-237, 15 Abb., 2 Taf., Frankfurt 1970.

Early growth stages in coelacanth fishes. – Nature, New Biology 236 (64): 90-91, 2 figs., London 1972.

Homalacanthus, ein oberdevonischer Acanthodier mit Haifisch-ähnlichen Zähnen. – N. Jb. Geol. Paläontol. Mh., Jg. 1972: 312-317, 4 Abb., Stuttgart 1972.

New fossils from the lower Upper Devonian of Miguasha. – In: Carroll, R.L., Belt, E.S., Dineley, D.L., Baird, D. & McGregor, D.C.:  Vertebrate Paleontology of Eastern Canada. – Internal. Geol. Congr. 24. sess., Montreal 1972, Field Excursion A 59: 94, Calgary 1972.

Die Wirbeltiere des Erdaltertums. – In: Heberer, G. & Wendt, H. (Herausgeber): Entwicklungsgeschichte der Lebewesen.  Ergänzungsband zu GRZIMEKs Tierleben: 231-251, 34 Abb., 5 Taf., Kindler Verlag, Zürich 1972.

Crossopterygier mit heterozerker Schwanzflosse aus dem Oberdevon Kanadas, nebst einer Beschreibung von Onychodontida-Resten aus dem Mitteldevon Spaniens und aus dem Karbon der USA. – Palaeontographica A, 143: 188-208, 7 Abb., 4 Taf., Stuttgart 1973.

Large Upper Devonian Arthrodires from Iran. – Fieldiana, Geol., 23: 53-78, 6 figs., 3 pls., Chicago 1973.

Osteolepidide Rhipidistia (Pisces) aus dem Pennsylvanian von Illinois/USA. – N. Jb. Geol. Paläontol. Abh., 146: 29-50, 9 figs., Stuttgart 1974.

Die Lungenfisch-Gattung Conchopoma (Pisces, Dipnoi). – Senckenbergiana Lethaea, 56: 191-231, 17 Abb., 4 Taf., Frankfurt 1975.

Das Axialskelett der Dipnoer aus dem Oberdevon von Bergisch-Gladbach (Westdeutschland). –  Coll. internat. C.N.R.S., Nr. 218, Problèmes actuels de Paléontologie - Evolution des Vertébrés: 149-157, 3 figs., 1 pl., Paris 1975.

Addendum. – Zu: SCHMIDT, Wo. (1976): Der rest eines actinolepididen placodermen (pisces) aus der bohrung bolland (emsium, belgien).  - Mém. Expl. Cartes Géol. Minières Belg., Nr. 14: 19-21, Brüssel 1976.

Paleozoic vertebrates. – In: Grzimek's Encyclopedia of Evolution: 217-238, 34 figs., 5 pl.  Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York 1976 (translation of no. 13).

Megapleuron zangerli.  A New Dipnoan from the Pennsylvanian, Illinois. –  Fieldiana, Geol., 33: 375-396, 11 Abb., Chicago 1977.

The origin of the tetrapod limb within the rhipidistian fishes. – In: Major Patterns in Vertebrate Evolution (ed. M.K. Hecht, P.C. Goody & B.M. Hecht). - NATO Advanced Study Inst. Ser., Ser. A: Life Sci., A14: 541-544, 1 fig., (Plenum Press), New York & London 1977.

Ausgangsform und Entwicklung der rhombischen Schuppen der Osteichthyes (Pisces). – Paläontol. Z., 51: 152-168, 4 Abb., 2 Taf., Stuttgart 1977.

Reproduction and spawning sites of Rhabdoderma (Pisces, Osteichthyes, Actinistia) in Pennsylvanian deposits of Illinois, USA. – Compte Rendu, Neuvième Congr. Internatl. de Stratigr. et de Géol. du Carbonifère, vol. 5: 326-330, 20 figs., 4 tab., Carbondale a.   Edwardsville, Illinois, 1985.

Eier legende und lebend gebärende Quastenflosser. – Natur und Museum, 110, H. 4: 101-108, 7 Abb., April 1980.

Crossopterygier-Schuppen aus dem obersten Oberdevon Lettlands (Osteichthyes, Pisces). – N. Jb. Geol. Paläontol., Mh., Jg. 1980: 215-228, 13 Abb., Stuttgart 1980.

Egg-laying and Live-bearing Lobe-finned Fishes.  Translation of "Eier legende..."  Natur u. Museum 110, 1980. – Private circulation, Dept. Geol., Field Museum Natur. Hist., Chicago.

Chirodipterus, the first lungfish from the Middle Devonian of Michigan. – The Town Meeting (Serving Elk Rapids and Surrounding Comm.) 7, no. 14: 4, Elk Rapids, Michigan April 8, 1981.

Hennig und der Ursprung der Tetrapoda. – Paläontol. Z., 55: 71-86, 3 figs., Stuttgart, June 1981.

A new gymnarthrid microsaur from the Lower Permian of Kansas, USA, with a review of the tuditanomorph microsaurs (Amphibia). – Occ. Pap. Mus. Nat. Hist., 91: 1-25, 6 figs., Lawrence, KS., June 1981, (Schultze, H.-P. a. Foreman, B.).

Das Schädeldach eines ceratodontiden Lungenfisches aus der Trias Süddeutschlands (Dipnoi, Pisces). – Stuttgarter Beiträge Naturkde., Ser. B (Geol. Paläontol.), No. 70: 31 pp., 17 figs., Stuttgart 1981.

A pycnodont dentition (Paramicrodon volcanensis n. sp.; Pisces, Actinopterygii) from the Lower Cretaceous of El Volcan region, southeast of Santiago, Chile. – Revista Geol. Chile, no. 12: 87-93, 1 fig., 1 pl, Santiago 1981.

A Dipnoan Tooth Plate from the Lower Cretaceous of Kansas, USA. – Kansas Acad. Sci. Trans., vol. 84 (4): 187-195, Lawrence 1981.

Ein primitiver Acanthodier (Pisces) aus dem Unterdevon Lettlands. – Paläontol. Z., 56(1/2): 95-105, 5 Abb., Stuttgart, June 1982 (Schultze, H.-P. a. Zidek, J.).

A dipterid dipnoan from the Middle Devonian of Michigan, U.S.A. – J. Vert. Paleontol., vol. 2(2): 155-162, 4 figs., 3 tabl., Norman, Oklahoma, Sept. 1982.

Type and Figured Specimens of Fossil Vertebrates in the Collection of the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History.  Part I.  Fossil Fishes. – Misc. Publ., No. 73, Univ. Kansas, Mus. Natur. Hist.: 1-53, Lawrence, Kansas, Oct. 1982 (Schultze, H.-P., Stewart, J.D.,  Neuner, A.M. a. Coldiron, R.W.).

A labyrinthodont palatine from the Permian of Fort Sill, Oklahoma, reinterpreted as a vomer. – J. Paleontol.,  57: 1050-1052, Lawrence, Kansas, Sept. 1983 (Schultze, H.-P. a. Chorn, J.).

Middle Jurassic age of the fish-bearing horizon in the Cañon City embayment, Colorado. – J. Paleontol., 57: 1053-1060, Lawrence, Kansas, Sept. 1983 (Schultze, H.-P. a. Enciso, G.).

The Neopterygian Amia as a Living Fossil. – In: N. Eldredge a. S.M. Stanley (eds.), Living Fossils: 153-159, 2 figs., 1984 (Schultze, H.-P. a. Wiley, E. O.).

Family Lepisosteidae (Gars) as Living Fossils. – In: N. Eldredge a. S.M. Stanley (eds.), Living Fossils: 160-165, 2 figs., 1984 (Wiley, E. O. a. Schultze, H.-P.).

Juvenile specimens of Eusthenopteron foordi Whiteaves, 1881 (osteolepiform rhipidistian, Pisces) from the Upper Devonian of Miguasha, Quebec, Canada. – J. Vert. Paleontol., 4(1):1-16, Lawrence, Kansas, Sept. 1984.

The head shield of Tiaraspis subtilis (GROSS) [Pisces, Arthrodira]. – Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., 107(3): 355-366, Sydney, Australia, Dec. 1984.

The panderichthyid fish Elpistostege a close relative of tetrapods? – Palaeontology, 28(2): 293-309, 8 figs., 3 tbl., May 1985  (Schultze, H.-P. a. Arsenault, M.).

Late Jurassic teleosts (Actinopterygii, Pisces) from Northern Chile and Cuba. – Palaeontographica A, 189: 29-61, 23 figs., 5 pl., 3 tbl., June 1985 (Arratia, G. a. Schultze H.-P.).

Marine to onshore vertebrates in the Lower Permian of Kansas and their paleoenvironmental implications. – Univ. Kansas Paleontol. Contr., Pap. 113: 1-18, 11 figs., June 1985.

Type and Figured Specimens of Fossil Vertebrates in the Collection of the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History.  Part II.  Fossil Amphibians and Reptiles. – Misc. Publ., No. 77, Univ. Kansas, Mus. Natur. Hist.:1-66, Lawrence, Kansas, Dec. 1985 (Schultze, H.-P., Hunt, L., Chorn, J. a. Neuner, A.M.).

Rhizodopside Rhipidistia (Pisces) aus dem Perm der Pfalz (W-Deutschland). – N. Jb. Geol. Paläontol., Mh., 1986, H.3: 165-170, 3 figs., March 1986  (Schultze, H.-P. a. Heidtke, U.).

Palaeoniscoid (Actinopterygii, Pisces) vertebrae from the Late Paleozoic of Central North America. – J. Paleontol., 60, no. 3: 744-757, 10 figs., May 1986  (Schultze, H.-P. a. Chorn, J.).

Wirbeltierreste aus dem Mittleren Muschelkalk (Trias) von Göttingen, West-Deutschland. – Paläontol. Z., 60 (1/2): 109-129, 13 figs., June 1986 (Schultze, H.-P. a. Möller, H.).

Reevaluation of the caudal skeleton of actinopterygian fishes.  I.  Lepisosteus and Amia. –  J. Morphol., 190: 215-241, 19 figs., November 1986 (Schultze, H.-P. a. Arratia, G.).

Characterization of the dipnoi, a monophyletic group. – J. Morphol., Suppl. 1: 25-37, Febr. 1987 (Schultze, H.-P. a. Campbell, K.S.W.).

Dipnoans as sarcopterygians. – J. Morphol., Suppl. 1: 39-74, Febr. 1987.

Diversity and size changes in palaeonisciform fishes (Actinopterygii, Pisces) from the Pennsylvanian of the Mazon Creek fauna, Illinois, USA. – J. Vert. Paleontol., 7(1): 1-23, March 1987  (Schultze, H.-P. a. Bardack, D.).

A new halecostome fish (Actinopterygii, Osteichthyes) from the Late Jurassic of Chile and its relationships. – Dakoterra, 3: 1-13, Oct. 1987 (Arratia, G. a. Schultze, H.-P.).

Elasmobranchier-Reste aus dem Unterkarbon des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges und des Harzes (W-Deutschland). – N. Jb. Geol. Paläontol. Abh., 175(3): 317-346, Dec. 1987 (Mader, H. a. Schultze, H.-P.).

Quebecius quebecensis (Whiteaves), a porolepiform crossopterygian (Pisces) from the Late Devonian of Quebec, Canada. – Canad. J. Earth Sci., 24(12): 2351-2361, Dec. 1987(Schultze, H.-P. a. Arsenault, M.).

Reevaluation of the caudal skeleton of some actinopterygian fishes. II. HiodonElops and Albula. – J. Morphol., 195: 257-303, March 1988 (Schultze, H.-P. a. Arratia, G.).

Recent radiological imaging techniques for morphological studies of Latimeria chalumnae. – Environmental Biol. Fishes, 23 (4):  7-8, 1988 (Cloutier, R., Schultze, H.-P. et al.). 

The Upper Pennsylvanian vertebrate fauna of Hamilton, Kansas. – In:  Mapes, G. & Mapes, R. H. (eds.), Regional Geology and Paleontology of Upper Paleozoic Hamilton Quarry Area in southeastern Kansas. – Kansas Geol. Surv., Guidebook Seri. 6: 147-154, April 1989 (Schultze, H.-P. a. Chorn, J.).

An osteolepidid Rhipidistian in Upper Pennsylvanian Deposits of Hamilton, Kansas. – In:  Mapes, G. & Mapes, R. H. (eds.), Regional Geology and Paleontology of Upper Paleozoic Hamilton Quarry Area in southeastern Kansas. – Kansas Geol. Surv., Guidebook Ser. 6: 181-183, April 1989. 

A complete specimen of Sagenodus (Dipnoi) from the Upper Pennsylvanian of the Hamilton Quarry, Kansas. – In:  Mapes, G. & Mapes, R. H. (eds.), Regional Geology and Paleontology of Upper Paleozoic Hamilton Quarry Area in southeastern Kansas. – Kansas Geol. Surv., Guidebook Seri. 6: 173-176, April 1989 (Chorn, J. a. Schultze, H.-P.).

A preliminary comparison of the Pennsylvanian assemblage of Hamilton, Kansas, with marine and nonmarine contemporaneous assemblages. – In:  Mapes, G. & Mapes, R. H. (eds.), Regional Geology and Paleontology of Upper Paleozoic Hamilton Quarry Area in southeastern Kansas. – Kansas Geol. Surv., Guidebook Ser. 6: 253-273, April 1989 (Maples, C. G. a. Schultze, H.-P.). 

X-radiographic techniques and applications. – In:  Feldman, R.M., Chapman, R., Hannibal, J.T. (eds.), Paleotechniques.  Paleontol. Soc., Special Publ. 4: 165-177, July 1989 (Zangerl, R. a. Schultze, H.-P.). 

The composition of the caudal skeleton of teleosts (Actinopterygii, Osteichthyes). – Zool. J. Linn. Soc. London 97:189-231, November 1989 (Schultze, H.-P. a. Arratia, G.). 

Three-dimensional muscle preservation in Jurassic fishes of Chile. – Revista Geologica de Chile, 16(2):183-215, December 1989. 

The urohyal:  Development and homology within osteichthyans. – J. Morphol., 203(3):247-282, March 1990 (Arratia, G. a. Schultze, H.-P.). 

A new acanthodian from the Pennsylvanian of Utah, U.S.A., and the distribution of otoliths in gnathostomes. – J. Vert. Paleontol., 10(1):49-58, March 1990. 

GROSS, WALTER ROBERT (b. Katlakaln near Riga, Latvia, Russia, 20 August 1903; d. Tübingen, Germany, 9 June 1974), vertebrate paleontology. – Dictionary of Scientific Biography.  Vol. 17, Supplement II, 369-371, 1990. 

The Robinson locality; fauna and depositional environment. – In: Cunningham, C. R. & Maples, C. G. (eds.), 1990 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology; Upper Paleozoic of Eastern Kansas; Excursion Guidebook.  Kansas Geol. Surv. Open-file Rep. 90-24:17-24, October 1990 (Chorn, J. a. Schultze, H.-P.). 

Palatoquadrate and Its Ossifications: Development and Homology Within Osteichthyans. – J. Morphol., 208:1-81, April (June) 1991 (Arratia, G. a. Schultze, H.-P.). 

Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of Latimeria chalumnae. – Environmental Biol. Fishes, 32:159-181, July 1991 (Schultze, H.-P. a. Cloutier, R.). 

CT scan reconstruction of the palatal region of Latimeria chalumnae. – Environmental Biol. Fishes, 32:  183-192, July 1991. 

A comparison of controversial hypotheses on the origin of tetrapods. – Pp. 29-67.  In:  Schultze, H.-P. & Trueb, L.  (eds.), Origins of major groups of tetrapods.  Controversies and consensus.  Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, New York, December 1991. 

Panderichthyid Fishes and the origin of Tetrapods. – Pp. 68-109.  In:  Schultze, H.-P. & Trueb, L. (eds.), Origin of major groups of tetrapods.  Controversies and consensus.  Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, New York, December 1991  (Vorobyeva, E. a. Schultze, H.-P.). 

Der Ursprung der Tetrapoden - ein lebhaft diskutiertes altes Problem. – Verhdl. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 84:135-151, December 1991. 

A new long-headed dipnoan (Osteichthyes, Pisces) from the Middle Devonian of Iowa, USA. – J. Vert. Paleontol., 12(1):42-58, March 1992. 

Coelacanth fish (Actinistia, Sarcopterygii) from Late Pennsylvanian of Kinney Brick Company Quarry, New Mexico. – N. Mexico Bureau Mines & Miner. Res., Bull. 138:205-209, May 1992. 

Comparison of the Late Pennsylvanian faunal assemblage of Kinney Brick Company Quarry, New Mexico, with other Late Pennsylvanian Lagerstätten. – N. Mexico Bureau Mines & Miner. Res., Bull. 138:231-242, May 1992 (Schultze, H.-P. a. Maples, C. G.). 

Relative importance of molecular, neontological and paleontological data in understanding the biology of the vertebrate invasion of land. – J. Molecular Evol. 35:93-101, July 1992.  (Marshall, C. a. Schultze, H.-P.). 

Lungfish from the El Molino Formation (Late Cretaceous) and Santa Lucia (Early Paleocene) Formations in Southcentral Bolivia. – In:  Suarez-Soruco, R.  (ed.), Fosiles y Facies de Bolivia - Vol. I. Vertebrados.  Revista Técnica de YPFB, 12 (3-4):  441-448, July 1992, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 

Pycnodont fish (Actinopterygii, Osteichthyes) from the El Molino Formation (Late Cretaceous to Early Paleocene) of Bolivia. – In:  Suarez-Soruco, R.  (ed.), Fosiles y Facies de Bolivia - Vol. I. Vertebrados.  Revista Técnica de YPFB, 12 (3-4):  449-452, July 1992, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. 

Reevaluation of the Caudal Skeleton of Certain Actinopterygian Fishes:  III.  Coregonidae and Salmonidae.  Homologization of caudal skeletal structures. – J. Morphol., 214:187-249, December 1992.   (Arratia, G. a. Schultze, H.-P.).

Early Devonian actinopterygians (Osteichthyes, Pisces) from Siberia. – In:  Mark-Kurik, E. (ed.), Fossil fishes as living animals.  Academia, 1: 233-242, December 1992, Tallinn, Estonia. 

Pattern of Diversity in the Skull of Jawed Fishes. – In:  Hanken, J. & Hall, B. K.  (eds.)  The Skull, Vol. 2:  Patterns of Structural and Systematic Diversity.  Pp. 189-254.  University of Chicago Press, Chicago/London.  July 1993. 

Contrasting the use of functional complexes and isolated characters in lungfish evolution. – Mems. Ass. Australas. Palaeontols., 15:211-224, September 1993.  (Schultze, H.-P. a. Marshall, C.R.). 

The Garnett and Hamilton paleovalleys, and their relationship to the Douglas Group paleovalleys. – In: Archer, A. W., Feldman, H. R. & Lanier, W. P.  (eds.) Incised paleovalleys of the Douglas Group in northeastern Kansas:  Field Guide and related contributions.  Kansas Geol. Surv., Open-File Rep. 93-24:12-1 - 12-10, October 1993.  (Feldman, H. R.,Archer, A. W., West, R. R., Maples, C. G., Cunningham, C. R., Schultze, H.-P. a. Lanier W. P.). 

Osteichthyes:  Sarcopterygii. – In:  Benton, M. J. (ed.) The Fossil Record 2.  Pp. 657-663.  Chapman & Hall, London.  November 1993. 

The Upper Carboniferous (Stephanian) Hamilton Fossil-Lagerstätte in Kansas:  a valley-fill, tidally influenced deposit. – Lethaia, 26:225-236, December 1993.  (Cunningham, C. R., Feldman, H. R., Franseen, E. K., Gestaldo, R. A., Mapes, G. , Maples, C. G. a. Schultze, H.‑P.). 

The Hamilton Konservat-Lagerstätte:  Stephanian terrestrial biota in a marginal-marine setting. – Trans. R. Soc. Edinburgh:  Earth Sci., 84(3/4):443-451, February 1994.  (Schultze, H.-P., Maples, C. G. a. Cunningham, C. R.). 

Comparison of hypotheses on the relationships of sarcopterygians. – Syst. Biol., 43(2):155-173, June 1994.

Palaeophichthys parvulus Eastman, 1908, a gnathorhizid dipnoan from the Middle Pennsylvanian of Illinois, U.S.A. – Ann. Carnegie Mus., 63(2):105-113, 1994.

The lungfish Sagenodus (Dipnoi, Osteichthyes) from the Upper Rotliegend (Lower Permian) of the Saar-Nahe Basin, SW-Germany. – In: Heidtke, U. (Comp.), New Results on Permocarboniferous Fauna.  Pollichia - Buch 29:125-132, June1994 (for 1993).

Rhizodopsis hanbuchi n. sp., a new rhizodopsid rhipidistian (Sarcopterygii, Osteichthyes) from the Lower Rotliegend (Lower Permian) of Palatinate, SW-Germany. – In: Heidtke, U. (Comp.), New Results on Permocarboniferous Fauna.  Pollichia - Buch 29:133-142, June 1994 (for 1993) (Schultze, H.-P. a. Heidtke, U.).

The origin of tetrapods - Past and present hypotheses. – Vertebrata PalAsiatica, 33 (4): 249-260, October 1995 (Chines. a. Engl.).

An eugeneodontid elasmobranch from the Late Paleozoic of Kansas. – J. Paleontol., 70: 162-165, January 1996 (Schultze, H.-P. a. West, R. R.).

Terrestrial biota in coastal marine deposits: fossil-Lagerstätten in the Pennsylvanian of Kansas, USA. – Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 119: 255-273, January 1996.

The lungfish Tranodis and the tetrapod fauna from Upper Mississippian deposits of North America. – Spec. Pap. Palaeontol., 52: 31-54, January 1996 (Schultze, H.-P. a. Bolt, J. R.). 

The vertebrates of the Escuminac Formation. – In:  Schultze, H.-P. a. Cloutier, R. (eds.), Devonian Fishes and Plants of Miguasha, Quebec, Canada. pp. 120-122. Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil. München, Mai 1996.

Porolepiform fishes (Sarcopterygii). – In: Schultze, H.-P. a. Cloutier, R. (eds.), Devonian Fishes and Plants of Miguasha, Quebec, Canada. pp. 248-270. Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil. München, Mai 1996.  (Cloutier, R. a. Schultze, H.-P.) 

The elpistostegid fish Elpistostege, the closest the Miguasha fauna comes to a tetrapod. – In:  Schultze, H.-P. a. Cloutier, R. (eds.), Devonian Fishes and Plants of Miguasha, Quebec, Canada. pp. 316-327. Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil. München, Mai 1996. 

Comparison of the Escuminac Formation ichthyofauna with other late Givetian/early Frasnian ichthyofaunas. – In: Schultze, H.-P. a. Cloutier, R. (eds.), Devonian Fishes and Plants of Miguasha, Quebec, Canada. pp. 348-368. Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil. München, Mai 1996.  (Schultze, H.-P. a. Cloutier, R.). 

Vinctifer (Pisces, Aspidorhynchidae) aus der Unterkreide (oberes Aptium) von Kolumbien. –  N. Jb. Geol. Paläontol. Abh., 119(3): 395-415, März 1996.  (Schultze, H.-P. a. Stöhr, D.). 

The scales of Mesozoic actinopterygians. – In: Arratia, G. & Viohl, G. (eds.), Mesozoic Fishes  – Systematics and Paleoecology. pp. 83-93. Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil, München, September 1996.

Unterdevonische Fischfunde aus Sedimenten des Flachmeerbereiches der kanadischen Arktis. – N. Jb. Geol. Paläontol. Abh., 201: 33-93, August 1996. (Langenstrassen, F. & Schultze, H.-P.).

Walter R. Gross, a palaeontologist in the turmoil of 20th Century Europe. – Modern Geology, 20: 209-233. Amsterdam, October 1996.

Conodont histology: An indicator of vertebrate relationships? – Modern Geology, 20: 275-286. Amsterdam, October 1996.

Dr. h.c. G. Schaumberg als Paläontologe. – In: Kreisstadt Eschwege (Hrsg.), Günther Schaumberg. Maler, Kunsterzieher und Paläontologe aus Eschwege zum 75. Geburtstag am 28. Juni 1997: pp. 49-57. Eschwege, Juni 1997.

The Permo-Carboniferous genus Sagenodus and the beginning of modern lungfish. – Contributions to Zoology, 67 (1): 9-70. November 1997 (Schultze, H.-P. a. Chorn, J.).

Umweltbedingungen beim Übergang von Fisch zu Tetrapode. – Sitzber. Ges. Naturforsch. Freunde Berlin, (N.F.) 36: 59-77. Dezember 1997.

The oldest sarcopterygian fish. – Lethaia, 30: 293-304. Dezember 1997. (Zhu Min a. Schultze, H.-P.).

The Fossil Record of the Intertidal Zone. – In: Horn, M. H., Martin K. L. M. & Chotkowski, M. A. (eds.) Intertidal Fishes. Life in Two Worlds. pp. 373-392. (Academic Press), San Diego, London, London etc. November 1998.

Sarcopterygian Fishes from the Upper Devonian of Colorado, U.S.A. – Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde in Berlin. Geowissenschaftliche Reihe, 1: 53-72 , November 1998 (Schultze, H.-P. a. Chorn, J.).

Mesozoic fishes from Chile. – In: Arratia & Schultze (eds.), Mesozoic Fishes 2 – Systematics and the Fossil Record: 565-593. München (Verlag Dr. Pfeil). August 1999. (Arratia, G. a. Schultze, H.-P.).

Semionotiform fish from the Upper Jurassic of Tendaguru, Tanzania. – Mitt. Mus. Naturkde. Berlin, Geowiss. Reihe, 2: 135-153. Oktober 1999. (Arratia, G. a. Schultze, H.-P.).

Body size and body volume distribution in two sauropods from the Upper Jurassic of Tendaguru . – Mitt. Mus. Naturkde. Berlin, Geowiss. Reihe, 2: 91-102. Oktober 1999 (Gunga, H.-Chr., Kirsch, K., Rittweger, J., Röcker, L., Clarke, A., Albertz, J., Wiedemann, A., Mokry, S., Suthau, T., Wehr, A., Heinrich, W.-D. a. Schultze, H.-P.).

Die Fische der Germanischen Trias. – In: Hauschke, N. & Wilde, V. (eds.), Trias. Eine ganz andere Welt. Mitteleuropa im frühen Erdmittelalter. pp. 239-250. Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil, München. Dezember 1999. (Schultze, H.-P. a. Kriwet, J.).

A possible agnathan plate from the Lower Arenig (Lower Ordovician) of South Bolivia. – J. Vert. Paleontol. 20 : 394 – 399, June 2000 (Erdtmann, B.-D., Weber, B., Schultze, H.-P. a. Egenhoff, S.).

A Porolepiform Rhipidistian from the Lower Devonian of the Canadian Arctic. – Mitt. Mus. Naturkde Berlin, Geowiss. Reihe 3: 99-109. November 2000.

Interrelationships of basal osteichthyans. – In: Ahlberg, P. E. (ed.), Major Events in Early Vertebrate Evolution.  Palaeontology, phylogeny and development. Systematics Association Special Volume Series 61, 289-314. Taylor & Francis, New York, March 2001 (Zhu Min & Schultze H.-P.)

Dialipina and the character of basal actinopterygians. – In: Ahlberg, P. E. (ed.), Major Events in Early Vertebrate Evolution.  Palaeontology, phylogeny and development. Systematics Association Special Volume Series 61, 315-332. Taylor & Francis, New York, March 2001 (Schultze, H.-P. a. Cumbaa, S.L.)

Sarcopterygians. – In: Springer, R. (ed.), Encyclopedia of Paleontology, Vol. 2 , M-Z: 1037-1046. Fritzroy Dearborn Publ., Chicago, London. 1999.

Vertebral column and associated elements in dipnoans and comparison with other fishes: Development and homology. – J. Morphol. 250(2): 101-172. October 2001. (Arratia, G., Schultze, H.-P. & Casciotta, J.)

Melanognathus, a primitive dipnoan from the Lower Devonian of the Canadian Arctic and the interrelationships of Devonian dipnoans. – J. Vert. Paleontol. 21(4): 781-794. December 2001.

Grußwort des Direktors des Museums für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. – Verhandlungen zur Geschichte und Theorie der Biologie, 8: 13-16. 2002

Zeugen der Erdgeschichte. – Reiseführer zu den schönsten Fossilien in deutschen Naturkundemuseen. Senckenberg-Buch 75: 210-11. In: Jansen, V., Königshof, P. & Steininger, F.F: (Hrsg.). 2002.

Dimensions of Brachiosaurus brancai, Dicraeosaurus hansemanni and Diplodocus carnegii  and Their Implications for Gravitational Physiology. – In: Moravec, J., Takeda, N. & Singal, P.K. (eds): Adaptation Biology and Medicine 3: 156-169, New Delhi, India (Narosa Publishing House). 2002. (Gunga, H.-C., Kirsch, K., Rittweger, J., Clarke, A., ., Albertz, J., Wiedemann, A., Heinrich, W.-D. & Schultze, H.-P.)

Gefährdung der Paläontologie am Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. – Geowiss. Mitt. 10: 16-18. Dezember 2002. (Schultze, H.-P., Aberhan, M., Heinrich, W.-D. & Schultka, S.)

An Early Devonian (Emsian) acanthodian from the Bear Rock Formation, Anderson River, Northwest Territories, Canada. – Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 39: 1457-1465. October 2002. (Cumbaa, S.L. & Schultze, H.-P.).

Craniota 175, † Arandaspidida 183, †Astraspidida 183, †Heterostraci 184, †Anaspidida 193, †Galeaspidida 193, †Osteostraci 193-194, †Thelodonti 194, Gnathostomata 195-196, †Placodermi 197-198, †Acanthodii 223, Osteognathostomata 225, Sarcopterygii 288-289, Dipnoi 290-295, Actinistia 296-300, †Porolepiformes 301, †Rhizodontida 301, †Osteolepiformes 301, †Elpistostegalia 301. – In: Westheide, W. & Rieger, R. (eds.) Spezielle Zoologie Teil 2: Wirbel- oder Schädeltiere. November 2003. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin. ISBN 3-8274-0307-3

Tetrapoda 303-306. – In: Westheide, W. & Rieger, R. (eds.) Spezielle Zoologie Teil 2: Wirbel- oder Schädeltiere.  Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin. November  2003. (Schoch, R.R. & Schultze, H.-P.)

A  xenacanth clasper from the ?uppermost Carboniferous-Lower Permian of Buxières-les-Mines. – N. Jb. Geol. Paläontol., Abh. 232 (2/3: Boy-Festschr.): 325-363. June 2004. (Schultze, H.-P. & Soler-Gijón, R.)

Zur Geschichte der Geowissenschaften im Museum für Naturkunde zu Berlin. Teil 6: Geschichte des Geologisch-Paläontologischen Instituts und Museums der Universität Berlin 1910-2004. – Mitt. Mus. Naturkde. Berlin, Geowiss. Reihe 7: 5-43. October 2004.

Mesozoic sarcopterygians. – In: Arratia & Tintori: Mesozoic fishes III. pp. 463-492. October 2004. Verlag Fritz Pfeil, München.

Evolution der Actinopterygii und der Sarcopterygii: Zur Frage der Schwestergruppe der Tetrapoda. – In: Richter, S. & Sudhaus, W. (Hrsg.): Kontroversen in der Phylogenetischen Systematik der Metazoa. Sitzungsberichte der Gesellschaft Naturforschender Freunde zu Berlin (N.F.) 43: 175-199. October 2004.

Revisiting Lophosteus, a primitive osteichthyan. – Acta Universitatis Latviensis, 2004, 679

Earth and Environmental Science: 57-78. December 2004 (Schultze, H.-P. & Märss, T.).

Osteichthyes (Knochenfische). – In: Hendricks, a. (Hrsg.): Als Hagen am Äquator lag. Die Fossilien der Ziegeleigrube Hagen-Vorhalle: 162-169. Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe, Münster (Sigma Druck, Steinfurt). März 2005.

The first ten Symposia on Early/Lower Vertebrates (1967-2004). – Revista Brasileira Paleontol. 8 (2): V-XVIII. August 2005.

New Devonian osteichthyans from Central Australia. – Mitt. Mus. Naturkde. Berlin, Geowiss. Reihe 8: 13-35. October 2005 (Young, G. & Schultze, H.-P.).

Eurycormus — Eurypoma, two Jurassic actinopterygian genera with mixed identity. – Fossil Record 10(1): 17-37. January 2007 (Arratia, G. & Schultze, H.-P.).

Trachyteuthis covacevichi n. sp., a Late Jurassic Palaeopacific coleoid cephalopod. – Fossil Record 11(1): 39-49. January 2008 (Fuchs, D. & Schultze, H.-P.).

Nomenclature and homologization of cranial bones in actinopterygians. – In: Arratia, G., Schultze, H.-P. a. Wilson, M. V. H. (eds.) Mesozoic Fishes 4 – Homology and Phylogeny: 23-48. München (Verlag Dr. Pfeil). September 2008.

The international influence of the Stockholm School. – Acta Zoologica 90 suppl. 1: 3-21. Mai 2009.

Great Northern Researchers: Discoverers of the earliest Palaeozoic vertebrates. – Acta Zoologica 90 suppl. 1: 22-37. Mai 2009 (Schultze, H.-P., Turner, S. & Grigelis, A.).

Interpretation of marine and freshwater paleoenvironments in Permo–Carboniferous deposits. – Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 281: 126–136. October 2009.

Palaeoctopus pelagicus from the Turonian of Mexico reinterpreted as a coelacanth (sarcopterygian) gular plate. – Palaeontology 53(3): 689-694. May 2010 (Schultze, H.-P., Fuchs, D., Giersch, S., Ifrim, C. & Stinnesbeck, W.)

The late Middle Devonian fauna of Red Hill of Nevada and its paleobiogeographic implications. – Fossil Record 13 (2): 285-295. August 2010.

Craniota 185-187, † Arandaspidida 198, †Astraspidida 198, †Heterostraci 199, †Anaspidida 208, †Galeaspidida 208, †Osteostraci 208-209, †Thelodonti 209, Gnathostomata 211-213, †Placodermi 214-215, †Acanthodii 241-242, Osteognathostomata 243, Sarcopterygii 307-308, Dipnoi 309--314, Actinistia 315-319, †Porolepiformes 320, †Rhizodontida 320, †Osteolepiformes 320-321, †Elpistostegalia 321. – In: Westheide, W. & Rieger, G. (eds.) Spezielle Zoologie Teil 2: Wirbel- oder Schädeltiere. 2. Auflage. 2010. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin. ISBN 978-3-8274-2039-8

Tetrapoda 322-326. – In: Westheide, W. & Rieger, G. (eds.) Spezielle Zoologie Teil 2: Wirbel- oder Schädeltiere. 2. Auflage.  Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin. June 2010. (Schoch, R. R. & Schultze, H.-P.)

False teeth: conodont-vertebrate phylogenetic relationships revisited. – Geodiversitas 32 (4): 545-594. December 2010 (Turner, S., Burrow, C. J., Schultze, H.-P., Blieck, A., Reif, W.-E.†, Rexroad, C. B., Bultynck, P. & Nowlan, G. S.) 

Fossils, histology, and phylogeny: why conodonts are not vertebrates. – Episodes, 33 (4) [2010]: 234-241, 4 fig.; I. U. G. S. December 2010. (Blieck, A., Turner, S., Burrow, C. J., Schultze, H.-P., Rexroad, C. B., Bultynck, P. & Nowlan, G. S.) 

The macrosemiiform fish companion of the Late Jurassic theropod from Schamhaupten, Bavaria, Germany. – Fossil Record 15 (10): 5-25. February 2012 (Arratia, G. & Schultze, H.-P.)

A tristichopterid sarcopterygian fish from the upper Middle Devonian of Nevada. – Historical     Biology: An International Journal of Paleobiology, 244(4): 425-440August 2012 (Schultze, H.-P. & Reed, J. W.)

Osseous and other hard tissue pathologies in turtles and abnormalities of mineral deposition. – In: Brinkmann, D. B., Holroyd, P. A. & Gardner, J. D. (eds.), Morphology and Evolution of Turtles, Vertebrate Paleobiology and Paleoanthrology: 501-534; Springer Science, Dordrecht. August 2012. (Rothschild, B., Schultze, H.-P. & Pellegrini, R.)

The paleoenvironment at the transition from piscine to tetrapod sarcopterygians. – In: Lucas, S.G. et al. (eds.) The Carboniferous-Permian Transition. New Mexico Mus.. Natur. Hist. Sci., Bull. 60: 373-397. April 2013.

Outstanding features of a new Late Jurassic pachycormiform fish from the Kimmeridgian of Brunn, Germany and comments on current understanding of pachycormiforms. – In: Arratia, G., Schultze, H.-P. & Wilson, M. V. H. (eds.), Mesozoic Fishes 5 – Global Diversity and Evolution: 87-120; Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil, München. June 2013. (Arratia, G. & Schultze, H.-P.)

The caudal skeleton of basal teleosts, its conventions, and some of its major evolutionary novelties in a temporal dimension. – In: Arratia, G., Schultze, H.-P. & Wilson, M. V. H. (eds.), Mesozoic Fishes 5 – Global Diversity and Evolution: 187-246; Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil, München. June 2013. (Schultze, H.-P. & Arratia, G.)

Miniature armored acanthomorph teleosts from the Albian/Cenomanian (Cretaceous) of Mexico. – In: Arratia, G., Schultze, H.-P. & Wilson, M. V. H. (eds.), Mesozoic Fishes 5 – Global Diversity and Evolution: 457-487; Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil, München. June 2013. (González-Rodríguez, K. A., Schultze, H.-P. & Arratia, G.)


Handbook of Paleoichthyology.  Fischer Verlag, Stuttgart (Schultze, H.-P., ed.). Published until now: vol. 1B, 2007 (Märss, T., Turner, S., Karatajūté-Talimaa, V.: "Agnatha“ II Thelodonti), ISBN 978-3-89937-081-2. 2, 1978 (Denison, R.: Placodermi), ISBN 3-437-30265-5. 3A, 1981     (Zangerl, R.: Chondrichthyes I), ISBN 3-437-30337-6. 3B, 1987 (Cappetta, H.: Chondrichthyes II), ISBN 3-437-30393-7. 3D, 2010 (Ginter, M., Hampe, O. & Duffin, C.: Chondrichthyes,      Paleozoic Elasmobranchii: Teeth), ISBN 978-3-89937-116-1. 3E , 2012 (Cappetta, H.: Chondrichthyes, Mesozoic and Cenozoic Elasmobranchii: teeth), ISBN 978-3-89937-148-2. 4, 1999 (Stahl, B.: Holocephali), ISBN 3-931516-63-6. 5, 1979 (Denison, R.: Acanthodii), ISBN 0-89574-075-3. 10, 1985 (Nolf, D.: Otolithi piscium). ISBN 3-437-30399-6. Ab 1999 Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil, München (Schultze, H.-P., ed.).

Origins of the higher groups of tetrapods.  Controversy and Consensus.  Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, New York, Dec.  1991 (Schultze, H.-P. a. Trueb, L., eds.). ISBN 0-8014-2497-6.

Dipnoi. - Fossilium Catalogus.  I:  Animalia.  Pars 131.  Pp. 1-464.  Kugler Publications,          Amsterdam/New York.  December 1992.  ISBN 90-6299-090-8.

Devonian Fishes and Plants of Miguasha, Quebec, Canada. 374 pp.  Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil,             München, Mai 1996.  (Schultze, H.-P. a. Cloutier, R., eds.). ISBN 3-931516-03-2.

Mesozoic Fishes 2 – Systematics and the Fossil Record. 604 pp. München (Verlag Dr. Pfeil).                August 1999. (Arratia, G. a. Schultze, H.-P., eds.). ISBN 3-931516-48-2.

The Gross Symposium 2: Advances in Palaeoichthyology. – Ichthyolith Issues, Special Publication    7: 59 pp. September 2003. ( Schultze, H.-P., Luksevics, E. & Unwin, D.) . ISSN 1302-1314.

Mesozoic Fishes 4 – Homology and Phylogeny.  502 pp. München (Verlag Dr. Pfeil). September 2008. (Arratia, G., Schultze, H.-P. a. Wilson, M. V. H., eds.). ISBN 978-3-89937-080-5.

Origin and Phylogenetic Interrelationships of Teleosts. Honoring Gloria Arratia. 480 pp. Verlag Dr. F. Pfeil, München, February 2010 (Nelson, J. S., Schultze H.-P. & Wilson, M. V. H., eds.). ISBN 978-3-89937-107-9.

Herpetological Osteopathology. Annotated Bibliography of Amphibians and Reptiles. XI + 450 pp., 90 figs., 13 tbls., Springer Verlag, New York, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, January 2012. (Rothschild, B., Schultze, H.-P. & Pellegrini, R.) ISBN 978-1-4614-0823-9.

Mesozoic Fishes 5 –Global Diversity and Evolution.  560 pp. München (Verlag Dr. Pfeil). June 2013. (Arratia, G., Schultze, H.-P. a. Wilson, M. V. H., eds.). ISBN 978-3-89937-159-8.

Selected Presentations

Der Uebergang von rhombischen Ganoidschuppen zu Rundschuppen bei den Actinopterygiern.  - 35. Jahresverslg. Paläontol. Ges., Zürich, Sept. 1965.    

Faltenzähne und ihre phylogenetische Aussagekraft.  - 39. Jahresverslg.  Paläontol. Ges., Kiel, Aug. 1969.    

The histological structure of dipnoan vertebrae. - 30th Ann. Mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., Toronto, Canada, Nov. 1970.    

Die Fischfauna des Oberkarbons von Illinois und Indiana.  - 41.  Jahresverslg. Paläontol. Ges., Marburg, Okt. 1971.   

The axial skeleton of dipnoans.  - Coll. Internatl. C.N.R.S. no. 218, Paris, June 1973.    

Growth and Spawning places of Rhabdoderma (Pisces, Osteichthyes) in Pennsylvanian Deposits of Illinois, U.S.A. - 9. Internat. Congr. Carboniferous Stratigr. a. Geol., Urbana, Ill., May 1979.     

Fossil vertebrates in the Speiser Shale, Lower Permian of Kansas. - 112th Ann. Mtg. Kansas Acad. Sci., Fort Hays, March 1980.    

Three dimensional preserved muscles in Jurassic fishes from Chile. - 40th Ann. Mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., Gainesville, Florida, Nov. 1980.    

Hennig and the origin of tetrapods.  - Symp. on 'Problems in the evolution of Paleozoic tetrapods', Cambridge, Mass., March 1981.   

Diversity of Mesozoic dipnoans. - 41st Ann. Mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., Ann Arbor Mich., Oct. 1981.    

The Upper Devonian Elpistostege, amphibian or rhipidistian? - 42nd Ann. Mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., Mexico City, Mexico, Oct. 1982.

The skull roof of Tiaraspis. - Symp. on 'Evolution and Biogeography of Early Vertebrates'.  Sydney a. Canberra, Australia, Feb. 1983.    

Marine to onshore vertebrates in the Lower Permian of Kansas.  - 43rd. Ann. Mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., Laramie, Wyoming, Oct. 1983.    

Relationships of dipnoans to other groups I. -- Symposium on the Biology and Evolution of Lungfishes.  1984 Mtg. Amer. Soc. Zool., Denver, Colorado, Dec. 1984.   

Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Lungenfische. - 12.  Symp. Arbeitskreis "Wirbeltierpaläontologie", Wiesen/Spessart, W-Germany, March 1985.    

The importance of fossils to cladistics. - 45th Ann. Mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., Rapid City, South Dakota, Oct. 1985.

The rhipidistia and their relationship to tetrapods. - 46th Ann. Mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Nov. 1986.

A new long headed dipnoan from the Late Devonian of Iowa. - Symposium on Early Vertebrate Studies and related Problems in Evolutionary Biology, Beijing, Oct. 12-26, 1987.

A complete specimen of Sagenodus (Dipnoi) from the Upper Pennsylvanian of the Hamilton Quarry, Kansas.  - 22nd. Ann. Mtg. South-Central Section, Geol. Soc. America, Lawrence, Kansas, March 1988 (J. Chorn a. H.-P. Schultze). 

The Upper Pennsylvanian vertebrate fauna of Hamilton, Kansas.  - 22nd. Ann. Mtg. South-Central Section, Geol. Soc. America, Lawrence, Kansas, March 1988 (H.-P. Schultze a. J. Chorn). 

An osteolepidid rhipidistian in Upper Pennsylvanian deposits of Hamilton, Kansas.  - 22nd. Ann. Mtg. South-Central Section, Geol. Soc. America, Lawrence, Kansas, March 1988. 

The composition of the caudal skeleton of teleosts.  - Ann. Mtg. Amer. Soc. Ichthyol. a. Herpetol., Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 1988 (H.-P. Schultze a. G. Arratia). 

Otoliths in Acanthodian Fishes.  - 48th Ann. Mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., Drumheller, Alberta, October 1988. 

Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Studies of Latimeria.  - 69th Ann. Mtg. Amer. Soc. Ichthyol. a. Herpetol., San Francisco, California, June 1989 (H.-P. Schultze, R. Cloutier and E. O. Wiley). 

Catscan reconstruction of the palate region of Latimeria chalumnae.  - Ibid., June1989.

Structure and development of the caudal skeleton of salmonid teleosts.  – Third Internatl. Congr. Vertebr. Morphology, Antwerp, Belgium, August 1989.  (H.-P. Schultze and G. Arratia). 

Hamilton Lagerstätte (?Stephanian-Carboniferous), Kansas. - 28th Internatl. Geol. Congr., Washington, D.C., July 1989 (C. G. Maples, H.-P. Schultze a. R. H. Mapes). 

Early Devonian actinopterygians from Siberia, U.S.S.R.  - Second Internatl. Coll. on Middle Paleozoic Fishes, Tallinn, Estonia, U.S.S.R., September 1989. 

The ossification of the palatoquadrate in osteichthyans.  - 70th Ann. Mtg. Amer. Soc. Ichthyology.  Herpetologists, June 1990.  (G. Arratia a. H.-P. Schultze). 

Sarcopterygian fishes from the Lower Rotliegend (Lower Permian) of Palatinate, W-Germany.  - III. Symposium "New Results on Permocarboniferous Fauna", Bad Dürkheim, Germany, September 1990. 

Der Ursprung der Tetrapoden - ein lebhaft diskutiertes altes Problem.  -  84. Jahresverslg. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., Tübingen, Mai 1991.

Comparison of the Escuminac ichthyofauna with other Late Givetian/Early Frasnian ichthyofauna. -- 7th Internatl. Symp. "Studies of Early Vertebrates", Parc de Miguasha, Quebec, June 1991.  (H.-P. Schultze a. R. Cloutier). 

Paleontology and taphonomy of the Hamilton Lagerstätte (Late Carboniferous), Eastern Kansas, USA.--12th Internatl. Congr. Carbonif. a. Permian Stratigraphy a. Geology, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Sept. 1991 (H.-P. Schultze, C. G. Maples, C. Cunningham, H. R. Feldman, E. K. Franseen, R. Gastaldo a. G. Mapes). 

The Upper Devonian fish locality of Miguasha, Quebec, Canada. -- 5. North Amer. Paleont.ol Conv. (Lagerstätten Symp.), Chicago, Ill., June 1992. 

Late Mississippian vertebrates from North America. -- 4. Symp. on Permocarboniferous Continental Faunas, September 1992, Edinburgh (H.-P. Schultze & J. R. Bolt). 

The Pennsylvanian Fossil-Lagerstätte of Hamilton, Kansas. -- Conference on "Volcanism and early terrestrial biotas", September 1992, Royal Society of Edinburgh (H.-P. Schultze, C. G. Maples & C. R. Cunningham). 

Late Mississippian vertebrates from North America.  -- 52. Ann. Mtg. Soc.Vert. Paleontol., Toronto, October 1992 (H.-P. Schultze & J. R. Bolt). 

Terrestrische Biota in küstennahen marinen Ablagerungen (Fossil-Lagerstätten in Pennsylvanian von Kansas, U.S.A.). -- Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin, November 3, 1992. 

Contrasting the use of functional complexes and isolated characters in understanding the evolution of lungfish. -- K.S.W. Campbell Symposium, Canberra, February 1993 (H.-P. Schultze, R. Cloutier & C. Marshall). 

Walter R. Gross, a palaeontologist during political changes of 20th century Europe. -- The Gross Symposium, Göttingen, August 1993. 

The scales of Mesozoic actinopterygians. -- Systematics and Palaeoecology of Mesozoic Fishes, Eichstätt, August 1993. 

The intertidal zone:  Recognition and importance in the fossil records. -- 74th Ann. Mtg. Amer. Soc. Ichthyols. Herpetols.  Los Angeles, California, June 1994. 

Appearance of morphological characters in phylogeny.-- 4th Internatl. Congr. Vert. Morph. Chicago, Illinois, August 1994.

Rhipidistian phylogeny.- Symposium „Fish Phylogeny“, Copenhagen, August 1994.

Der Gezeitenbereich und seine Bedeutung in der Fossilüberlieferung.-- 64. Jahrestagg. Paläontol. Ges. Budapest, September 1994.

The origin of tetrapods.-- Symposium 65th anniversary Inst. Vert. Paleontol. a.Paleoanthropol., Beijing, China, October 1994.

Phylogenetische und systematische Bedeutung des Schwanzskeletts der Teleosteer.-- Arbeitskreis Wirbeltierpaläontologie, Buckow, 11.3.95.

Ursprung der Tetrapoden.-- Naturforschende Freunde zu Berlin, Dahlem, 16.5.95.

The interrelationships of sarcopterygians (Key-note address).-- VIII symposium on lower vertebrates: Premiers vertébrés et vertébrés inferieurs. Paris 8.9.95.

Die Stellung der Dipnoer innerhalb der Sarcopterygier.-- 65. Jahrestagg. Paläontol. Ges. Hildesheim 28.9.95.

Early Devonian fish remains of Anderson River, NWT.--Workshop IGCP 406 Circum-Arctic Palaeozoic Vertebrates, 12.7.96 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Lower Devonian fish localities in sediments of shallow marine exposition in the Canadian Arctic.-- Workshop IGCP 406 Circum-Arctic Palaeozoic Vertebrates, 12.7.96 Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Primitive Knochenfische aus dem Unterdevon der kanadischen Arktis.-- 66. Jahrestagg. Paläontol. Ges., 26.9.96, Leipzig.

Primitive osteichthyans from the Lower Devonian of the Eastern Canadian Arctic.-- 56. Ann. Mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., 18.10.96, New York.

Die Stellung der Dipnoi innerhalb der Sarcopterygii (Unterschiede der Kladogramme). -- 24. Treffen Arbeitskreis Wirbeltierpaläontologie, 8.3.97, Kerkrade

Collecting fossil fishes in Chile. -- 2. internatl. mtg: Mesozoic fishes - Systematics and the Fossil Record, 7.7.97, Buckow.

Oberdevonische Fische aus Colorado und ihre Paläoökologie. -  67. Jahrestagg. Paläontol. Ges., 25.9.97, Daun

Sarcopterygian interrelationships.-- 56. Ann. Mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., 8.10.97, Chicago, H.‑P. Schultze & Zhu Min.

Scales in actinopterygian phylogeny. -- 56. Ann. Mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., 8.10.97, Chicago.

The primitive actinopterygian Dialipina. -IGCP 406 Mtg. "Circum-Arctic Palaeozoic Faunas and Facies", 4.9.98, Warsaw, Poland.

Fishes from the Lower Devonian of the Canadian Arctic. - IGCP 421 Mtg. "North Gondwanan Mid-Palaeozoic ---", 12.12.98, Isfahan, Iran.

Das System der Knochenfische (Osteichthyes) – Kronengruppe versus Stammgruppe versus Schlüsselmerkmale -- Arbeitskreis Wirbeltierpaläontologie, 13.3.1999, Leimering.

Dialipina  and the primitive characters of basal actinopterygians. -- Major Events in Early Vertebrate Evolution: Palaeontology, Phylogeny and Development. Natural History Museum London, 9.4.99, London.

Basal taxa and phylogeny of osteichthyans. -- Major Events in Early Vertebrate Evolution:

Palaeontology, Phylogeny and Development. Natural History Museum London, 9.4.99, London (Zhu Min & H.-P. Schultze).

Fische auf Landurlaub: vom Quastenflosser zum Vierfüßer. -- Universität Tübingen, 10.6.99, Tübingen.

Melanognathus, a primitive dipnoan from the Lower Devonian of the Canadian Arctic. -- IGCP 406 mtg.: Lower-Middle Palaeozoic Events across the Circum-Arctic, 30.9.1999, Jurmala, Latvia.

The homologization of head bones in fishes. -- 59th ann. mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., 20.10.99, Denver, Colorado.

Fin rays and unpaired fins in dipnoans.- Abstract 9th International Symposium Early Vertebrates/Lower Vertebrates, Flagstaff, Arizona, 17.05.2000:2. (G. Arratia, Schultze, H.-P. & Casciotta, J.).

The relationship of the Early Devonian dipnoan Melanognathus. – Abstract 9th International Symposium Early Vertebrates/Lower Vertebrates, Flagstaff, Arizona, 17.05.2000:19.

The dipnoan Sagenodus copeanus from the Stephanian of Robinson (Kansas):  Growth in the intertidal zone. - Abstract 9th International Symposium Early Vertebrates/Lower Vertebrates, Flagstaff, Arizona, 17.05.2000:19-20. (Soler-Gijon, R., Schultze, H.-P., Chorn, J.)

Middle Devonian vertebrates from Ellesmere Island, Canadian Arctic. – 9th International Symposium Early Vertebrates/Lower Vertebrates, Flagstaff, Arizona, 17.05.2000 (Otto, M., Schultze, H.-P., Langenstrassen, F.)

Wirbel und Schwanzflossen bei fossilen und rezenten Lungenfischen. – 70. Jahrestagg. Paläontol. Ges., Coburg 27.09.2000 (Schultze, H.-P., Arratia, G.)

Obruchev as member of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. - 16.03.01. Obruchev Symposium. Evolutionary Palaeichthyology, Moscow, 13.-16.03.2001

Expeditionen in die kanadische Arktis und der Ursprung der Knochenfische. - Dresdener Geowissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Dresden, 24.04.2001

The global Taghanic Biocrisis in the Upper Givetian (Midde Devonian). - 15th Internatl. Senckenberg Conf. May 11-21.2001. Poster. (Aboussalam, Z.S., Becker, R.T. & Schultze, H.-P.)

SARCOPTERYGII at the beginning of 2001 (overview of the present state of research on Mesozoic sarcopterygians). - III. Internatl. Mtg. on MESOZOIC FISHES, Serpiano-Monte San Giorgio (Schweiz) - 27.8.01.

Die globale Taghanic-Krise im Ober-Givetium (Mittel-Devon). – 71. Jahrestagg. Paläontol. Ges. Oldenburg 18.-21.9.2001. Poster. (Aboussalam, Z.S., Becker, R.T. & Schultze, H.-P.)

Ein unterdevonischer Acanthodier aus dem Ems des Anderson Rivers, NWT, Kanada. – 71. Jahrestagg. Paläontol. Ges. Oldenburg 18.9.2001. (SchultzeH.-P. & Cumbaa, St. L.)

An Early Devonian (Emsian) acanthodian from Anderson River, NWT, Canada (SchultzeH.-P. & Cumbaa, St. L.). - 61st Ann. Mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., Bozeman, Montana 6.10.01.

Early Chinese Bony Fishes and the Interrelationships of Bony Fishes. - Internatl. Symp. Exploring the History of life on Earth: Paleontology in China during the last 15 years. Beijing 11.10.01

Die Schwestergruppe der Tetrapoden und Verwandtschaftsverhältnisse innerhalb der Sarcopterygier. - 29. Treffen Arbeitskreis Wirbeltierpaläontol., Laimering, 9.3.02

The International Paleobiology Database Symposium, Berlin, 13.-14.3.03 (Begrüßung)

Sind Fischzähne verlässliche Anzeiger ihrer Nahrung? - 30. Treffen Arbeitskreis Wirbeltierpaläontol., Bensberg 15.3.03.

Palaeoecology of the European Permo-Carboniferous basins – Moskau, Paläontol. Institut, 28.3.03

The clasper of xenacanth sharks. - 1st EAVP Mtg. Basel 15.-19.7.03 (chairman of one session on 16.7.03)

The life of Walter Gross. and Revisting Lophosteus Pander 1856, a primitive osteichthyan.  -The Gross Symposium 2: Advances in Palaeoichthyology. Riga. 7.-10.9.2003. (Schultze & Märss)

PPP-India-Germany Joint Research Collaboration: a special DAAD Programme India. -Germany, Forum on Education, Research and Science, Berlin 24.-25.9.03. (Schultze & Arratia)

Gedanken zur Paläoökologie europäischer Permo-Karbon-Becken. - 73. Jahrestagg. Deutsche Paläontol Ges. Mainz 29.9.-2.10.03. (Schultze & Soler)

Rahmenthema „Ontogenie und Phylogenie“ am 13.3.04. - 31. Treffen Arbeitskreis Wirbeltierpaläontol., Berlin

The first nine symposia on Early/Lower vertebrates (1967-2000). - 10th Internatl. Symp. Early Vertebrates/Lower Vertebrates, Gramado/Brasilien am 24.5.04 (invited)

A phylogenetic nomenclature of bony fishes (Osteichthyes) (Schultze & Arratia) and A phylogenetic nomenclature of advanced ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) (Arratia & Schultze) - First Internatl. Phylogenet. Nomenclat. Mtg. Paris, July 6-9, 2004.

Controversies around basal actinopterygian relationships. – Ichthol. & Herpetologists Mtg. Tampa, Florida, July 6-9, 2005.(Arratia & Schultze)

Nomenclature and homologization of cranial bones in actinopterygians. – 4th Internatl. Mtg. on Mesozoic fishes, Miraflores near Madrid, Spain – 11.8.2005.

The late Middle Devonian fish fauna of Red Hill, Nevada, and its paleobiogeographic connections. – 65th ann. mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., Mesa 21.10.05.

Ode to an Unbreakable Spirit. - 65th ann. mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., Mesa 21.10.05. (Miao & Schultze)

Historischer Rückblick auf die Suche nach dem Ursprung der Tetrapoda. – Festkolloquium Wolf-Dieter Heinrich zur Vollendung seines 65. Lebensjahres.  Berlin, 22.9.2006

Analyses of lower actinopterygian interrelationships, contradictory hypotheses. - 66th ann. mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., Ottawa 19.10.06 (Schultze & Arratia)

Solnhofen lithographic limestones (Upper Jurassic of Bavaria) and fossils. X Congr. Nac. Paleont., Simposium: Localidades Konservat Lagerstätten. Cuidad de Mexico, November 21-25. November 2006 (Arratia, G., López-Arbarello, A., and Schultze, H.-P.)

Origin of tetrapods and the transition from water to land. – XLIX. Reunión anual de la Sociedad de Biología de Chile, Pucón 23.11.06 (invited)

Origin of tetrapods and the transition from water to land. – Millenium lecture, Universidad de Chile, Santiago 1.12.06 (invited)

The international influence of the Stockholm School. – 40th Anniversary Symposium on Early Vertebrates/Lower Vertebrates, Uppsala, Sweden, 8/13-8/16/2007

Homologization of cranial bones between sarcopterygians and actinopterygians. – 40th Anniversary Symposium on Early Vertebrates/Lower Vertebrates, Uppsala, Sweden, 8/13-8/16/2007.

A special moment: Great Northern Researchers. – 40th Anniversary Symposium on Early Vertebrates/Lower Vertebrates, Uppsala, Sweden, 8/13-8/16/2007 (Turner, S., Blieck, A., Schultze, H.-P.& Goujet, D.)

Verwandschaftsbeziehungen der niederen Wirbeltiere: Derzeitiger Stand mit Kontroversen. – 35.   Treffen des Arbeitskreises Wirbeltierpaläontologie, Bad Kissingen 8.3.08.

Interrelationships of lower vertebrates: current agreements and controversies. – Systematics 2008, 10th Annual Meeting of the Gesellschaft für Biologische Systematik, Göttingen 8.4.08 (invited)

Vertebrates from the Gharif Formation, Lower Permian, of Oman. – 5th Symposium Permocarboniferous Continental Faunas, Hradec Králové. 8.07.08. (Schultze, H.-P., Soler-Gijón, R., Hampe, O. & Heward, A.)

Interpretation of marine and freshwater environments in Carboniferous – Permian deposits. – 5th Symposium Permocarboniferous Continental Faunas, Hradec Králové, 9.07.08.

The cheek region of the actinopterygian Dialipina. – 68th Ann. Mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., Symposium: The Cleveland Shale and beyond: Early vertebrate form, function and phylogeny (Coates, M & Friedman, M., moderators), 15. October 2008.

Review of Macroscopic Crocodile and Lizard Skeletal Pathology and Creation of an Annotated Herpetological Bibliography. – 35th Ann. Mtg. Kansas  Herpetological Society, Wichita. 8. November 2008 (Rothschild, B., Schultze, H.-P. & Pellegrini, R.)

Pourquois les Conodontes ne sont pas vertébrés? – 4e congrès APF – 21e réunion APLF ‘Prospectives en Paléontologie et Palynologie’ 02-05.6.2009, Lille, France (Blieck, A., Turner, S., Burrow, C., Schultze, H.-P., Reif, W.-E., Rexroad, C. B. & Nowlan, G. S.)

The basins of the Lithographic Limestone of Southern Germany and the rise of new life: fish groups. – 5. Internatl. Symposium on Lithographic Limestone and Plattenkalk. Naturhist. Mus. Basel Switzerland, 17.-22.8.2009 (Hans-Peter Schultze & Gloria Arratia).

Organismal biology, phylogeny and strategy of publication: Why  conodonts are not vertebrates? – 3rd Internatl. meeting of Geologica Belgica, September 14-15, 2009, in Ghent, Belgium(Alain Blieck, Susan Turner, Carole J. Burrow, Hans-Peter Schultze, Wolf-Ernst Reif, Carl B. Rexroad, Godfrey S. Nowlan).

Organismal biology, phylogeny and strategy of publication: Why  conodonts are not vertebrates? – SVP 69th Annual mtg. Bristol England, September 23-26, 2009 (Alain Blieck, Susan Turner, Carole J. Burrow, Hans-Peter Schultze, Wolf-Ernst Reif, Carl B. Rexroad, Godfrey S. Nowlan).

Phylogenetische und systematische Stellung der Conodonten. – 79. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft in Bonn, 5.-7. Oktober 2009 (Hans-Peter Schultze, Susan Turner, Alain Blieck, Carole J. Burrow, Wolf-Ernst Reif, Carl B. Rexroad , Pierre Bultynck  & Godfrey S. Nowlan).

Ehrenmitgliedschaft O. H. Walliser (Laudatio). – 79. Jahrestagung der Paläontologischen Gesellschaft in Bonn, 5.-7. Oktober 2009.

Osseous and other hard tissue pathologies in turtles.  Gaffney Turtle Symposium, Drumheller, Alberta, Canada, October 17-18, 2009 (B. Rothschild, H.-P. Schultze & R. Pellegrini.).

Chronology of turtle pathology: It’s the pits. – 36th Ann. Mtg. Kansas Herpetological Society, Olathe, Kansas, Nov. 6.-8., 2009 (B. Rothschild, H.-P. Schultze & R. Pellegrini).

The basins of the Lithographic Limestone of southern Germany and the rise of new fish groups. Fifth International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes. – Global Diversity and Evolution, Saltillo, México, Aug. 1.-7., 2010 (Schultze, H.-P. & Arratia, G.)

A fossil agonid (Actinopterygii, Teleostei, Percomorphacea) from the Albian-Cenomanian of México. Fifth International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes – Global Diversity and Evolution, Saltillo, México, Aug. 1.-7., 2010  (González-Rodríguez, K. & Schultze, H.-P.)

The caudal skeleton of teleosts: revisited. Fifth International Meeting on Mesozoic Fishes – Global Diversity and Evolution, Saltillo, México, Aug. 1.-7., 2010 (Schultze, H.-P. & Arratia, G.)

Die Plattenkalk-Becken in der südlichen Frankenalb (Bayern, Süddeutschland) als Ursprungszentren         neuer Fischgruppen. – 80. Jahrestagg. Paläontol Ges., München, Oct. 6.-8.2010 (H.-P.  Schultze & G. Arratia)

The early appearance of advanced euteleosts and the controversy between molecular clock and geological appearance of actinopterygians. – 70th Anniv. Mtg. Soc. Vert. Paleontol., Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Oct. 10-13., 2010 (Schultze, H.-P., Arratia, G. & González-Rodríguez, K.)

A tristichopterid sarcopterygian from the Middle Devonian of Red Hill, Nevada. – 12th Internatl. Symp. Early/Lower Vertebrates: Dallas, Texas, June 11-14, 2011

Histology and the phylogenetic and systematic position of Conodonts. – 1st Internatl. Symp. Paleohistology, July 18.-20, 2011, Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont (ICP) Sabadell, Spain (Schultze, H.-P., Blieck, A.,  Burrow, C.J. & Turner, S.)

Scales, enamel, cosmine, ganoine, and early osteichthyans. – 1st  Internatl. Sympos. Paleohistology, July 18.-20, 2011, Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafo (ICP) Sabadell, Spain.

Scales, enamel, cosmine, ganoine, and early osteichthyans. – 2nd  Obruchev Symp. "Palaeozoic Early Vertebrates", August 1-3, 2011, St. Petersburg, Russia.

The palaeoenvironment at the transition from piscine to tetrapod sarcopterygians. – Symposium 14: The Early Evolution of Tetrapods and their Ecosystems. Chair: J. Fröbisch. Centenary Meeting of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft.  24.09. – 29.09.2012. Berlin, Germany.

The paleoenvironment at the transition from piscine to tetrapod sarcopterygians. –The Carboniferous-Permian Transition. New Mexico Mus.. Natur. Hist. Sci., Albuquerque, NM, May19-22, 2013

Bony Fishes, their Morphology and Complex Evolutionary History: State of the Art. – ASIH Albuquerque, NM, July 14, 2013 (Schultze, H.-P. & Arratia, G.)

Our knowledge of fossil sarcopterygians and the Chinese contribution. - A Joint Conference of the “Paläontologische Gesellschaft” and the “Palaeontological Society of China”, Göttingen, Germany, September 23-27, 2013. (Schultze, H.-P. & Arratia, G.)

Awards & Honors

Honorary Member of the Paläontologische Gesellschaft, Germany

Grants & Other Funded Activity

1964.  Travel grant by the German Science Foundation (DFG) for 3 weeks study at the British Museum (Natural History), London, England.

1965-66.  Postdoctoral fellowship by the German Science Foundation (DFG) for one year at the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden:  Study of  folded teeth of crossopterygians and tetrapods (see publications 5 and 6).

1966-67.  One year research fellowship by the German Science Foundation (DFG) at the Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden:  Study of an Upper Devonian lungfish (see publications 2 and 3).

1967.  Travel grants by the German Science Foundation (DFG) to visit collections in England.

1968-69.  Travel grants by the German Science Foundation (DFG) to continue research at and the Naturhistorika Riksmuseet, Stockholm, Sweden:  Study of Upper Devonian lungfishes (see publications 8 and 18).

1970-71.  DAAD (German Academic Exchange Program) - fellow in the U.S.:  Study of Devonian and Pennsylvanian fishes at different museums (see publications 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 21).

1974-76.  Grant by the German Science Foundation (DFG) for expedition to the Canadian Arctic to collect Lower Devonian fishes (DM 152,455.00) (see publication 104).

1977.  Two weeks exchange on the German-Russian Scientific exchange program:   Study of Lower Devonian fishes in Vilnius, Lithuania (see publication 26).

1978.  Travel grant by the A. v. Humboldt Foundation for advising Chilean colleagues in collecting fishes in the Upper Jurassic of Chile (see publication 32).

1979-80.  GRF KU for "Relationships between vertebrates and paleoenvironment in the Permian of Kansas" (see publication 30).

1980-81.  GRF KU for "Marine versus freshwater occurrence of vertebrates in the Permian of Kansas" (followed up by NSF grant).

1981-83.  NSF grant "Relationship between fossil vertebrates and the Lower Permian paleoenvironment of Kansas" - $39,293 (publication 45 and 48).

1981-85.  NSF grant "Reorganization of the Vertebrate Paleontological Collection of the Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas" - $301,359 (with L. Martin) (publication 46).

1985-88.  NSF grant "Cataloguing and Inventory of the Vertebrate Paleontological Collection of the Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas" - $165,000 (with L. Martin).

1986-87.  GRF KU for "Sagenodus and the origin of modern lungfish" - $4,435.76 (followed up by NSF grant).

1987.  National Geographic Grant for excavation of "Bony fishes from the Middle Devonian of Nevada" - $9,155.

1987-88.  GRF KU for "Ontogeny of the caudal skeleton of teleosts and its phylogenetic implications" - $5,199.90 (publication 64).

1988-89.  GRF KU for "Ontogeny of the caudal skeleton of euteleosts (Esocoidei) and its phylogenetic implications" - $6,900. 

1988-91.  NSF grant "Sagenodus and the origin of modern lungfish" - $48,737 (see publication 108).

1989-90.  Patricia Roberts Harris Fellowship Grant - $96,000 (Sanders, R. B., Iwamoto, R., Six, L., Strauss, E., Schultze H.-P., Levine, S. and Suarez, S.). 

1989-90.  GRF KU for "The Ontogeny of Teleost Vertebrae and its Implications for Phylogenetic Systematics" - $4,563.

1989.  National Geographic Grant for excavation of "Taphonomic investigation of the Hamilton Lagerstätte (Pennsylvanian:  ?Virgilian), Southeast Kansas."  - $9,300 (C. Maples and H.-P. Schultze) (see publications 88, 89).

1989-91.  NSF grant "Paleoecology and Depositional Setting of a Marine-to-Terrestrial Transition:  The Hamilton Lagerstätte (Pennsylvanian:  Virgilian), Kansas". - $99,988 (with C. Maples).  (see publications 78, 86, 88, 89).

1990-91.  Institute of Museum Services Grant for Conservation Project.  -  $20,835.

1990-93.  NSF grant "Improvements in storage and systematizations of the Vertebrate Paleontology Collection, Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas." - $241,825.

1990-91.  Patricia Roberts Harris Fellowships Grant - $128,000  (Sanders, R. B., Iwamoto, B., Jerry, R. H., Strauss, E. J., Himes, R. H., Schultze, H.-P. and Mulinazzi, T. E.). 

1991-93 NSF grant "Origins of Carboniferous Nonconcretionary Lagerstätten in North America."  - $99,995 (H. R. Feldman, C. Maples, A. W. Archer, R. R. West, H.-P. Schultze) (see publication 96).

1991-92 GRF KU for "Ontogeny of the lower jaw and caudal skeleton in primitive euteleosts and its phylogenetic importance."  - $6,426.

1991.  Robert Bass Visiting Scientist scholarship, Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago.  - $2,694 for December (see publication 97).

1992.  Visitor Scientist fellowship, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris.  - FFr. 20,000/month for February to April.

1992.  Visitor Scientist fellowship, Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm.  - SKr. 13,000 for May and June.

1993-94.  NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY grant „Jurassic fishes from Northern Chile.“  -$ 20,000 (Arratia G. a. Schultze, H.-P.). 

1995-96.  DFG grant „Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Lungenfische.“  - 51,000 DM. 

1995-96.  DFG grant „Biostratigraphische Untersuchungen von Acritarchen im Präkambrium und Kambroordoviz des Saxothuringikums.“  - 122,000 DM + 1 Jahr wiss. Mitarbeiterin BAT-O IIa (Burmann).

1996-97.  DFG grant (Fortsetzung) „Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Lungenfische.“ - 70,000 DM + BAT-O IVb Stelle für ein Jahr.

1996-97.  DFG grant (Fortsetzung) „Biostratigraphische Untersuchungen von Acritarchen im Präkambrium und Kambroordoviz des Saxothuringikums“. – 23,000 DM + 1 Jahr wiss. Mitarbeiterin BAT-O IIa (Burmann).

1996-98.  DFG grant „Strukturelle, zahnmorphologische und funktionsmorphologische Untersuchungen an Gebissen pycnodontider Fische ...“ – 8,500 DM + 2 Jahre wiss. Mitarbeiter BAT-O IIa/halbe (Kriwet)

1996-97.  NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY grant, Early Devonian Bony Fishes and the Relationships of Lungfishes“. $ 22,210.

1997-99.  DFG grant "Funktionsmorphologische Untersuchungen an den im Berliner Naturkundemuseum vorhandenen Dinosaurierarten." – 15,500 DM + 2 Jahre wiss. Mitarbeiter BAT-O IIa + 2 Jahre student. Hilfskraft.

1997-98.  DFG grant "Die devonische Vertebratenfauna der Strathcona-Formation, Ellesmere Island, Kanada und ihre biostratigraphische Bedeutung.“ – 3,500 DM + 1 Jahr wiss. Mitarbeiter BAT-0 IIa (Otto) + 9 Monate BAT-0 IVb (Präparator).

1998-99.  DFG grant (Fortsetzung) „Biostratigraphische Untersuchungen von Acritarchen im Präkambrium und Kambroordoviz des Saxothuringikums“ – 16,000 DM + 1 Jahr wiss. Mitarbeiterin BAT-O IIa (Burmann).

1999.  DFG grant (Fortsetzung) „Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der Lungenfische“ für Juli/August 1999, Expedition an den Snake River, Yukon District. – 13,399 DM.

2000.  DFG grant „Stratigraphische und paläoökologische Erforschung der oberjurassischen Dinosaurier-Lagerstätte Tendaguru (Tansania, Ostafrika)“ für Expedition nach Tansania im Herbst 2000. – 87,700 DM.

2001.  NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY 7034-01: Early agnathan fishes from Bolivia. - $18,500.

2002.  DFG Schu 212/25-1/2: „Systematische Revision und Phylogenie von Knochenfischen (Actinistia, Sarcopterygii und „Pholidophoriformes“, Actinopterygii) aus dem oberen Jura von Süddeutschland.“ 3 Jahre, 1 student. Hilfskraft (7,200 EURO), Sachmittel 9,715 EURO.  DAAD PPP-Projekt mit indischen Partnern: Taxonomic diversity and biogeographic affinities of Cretaceous fauna of India. 01.04.02 bis 31.03.04. 6.646 € jährlich.

2002.  DFG SCHO 791/1-1: „Amphibien-Metamorphose“ (1.1.2002 bis 31.12.2003: 1 BATIIa/2-Position) Übernahme des Projekts vom 01.07.03 bis zum 30.06.04.

2010.  NSF 0065959 Dissertation Research (Kathryn Mickle): Unraveling the Systematic of Palaeoniscoid Fishes – Lower Actinopterygians in Need of Complete Phylogenic Revision. (1.6.2010-31.5.2012) $12,200.


Paläontologische Gesellschaft  (Honorary member since 28.8.2006), Germany 
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology    
Palaeontological Association, UK
Society of Systematic Biology