Jim Beach

- Division Head - Informatics
Contact Info
1345 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Education —
Teaching —
1997 – 1998 Project Director, National Biological Information Infrastructure, USGS
1995 – 1997 Program Director, Database Activities in the Biological Sciences, NSF
1994 – 1995 Informatics Specialist, Information Systems & Technology, UC Berkeley
1991 – 1994 Data Administrator, Arnold Arboretum, Herbaria and MCZ, Harvard
1989 – 1991 Visiting Assistant Research Professor, Michigan State University
Selected Publications —
Cavner, J.A, Stewart, A.M. Grady, C.J. & J.H. Beach, 2012. An innovative web processing services-based GIS architecture for global biogeographic analyses of species distributions. OSGeo Journal 10: 15-25.
Granzow de la Cerda, Í. and J.H. Beach. 2010. Semi-automated workflows for acquiring specimen data from label images in herbarium collections. Taxon 59:1830-1842.
Michener, W. K., Beach, J. H., Jones, M. B., Ludaescher, B., Pennington, D. D., Pereira, R.S. Rajasekar, A. and M. Schildhauer. 2007. A knowledge environment for biodiversity and ecological sciences. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems 29(1): 111-126. DOI: 10.1007/s10844-006-0034-8
Stockwell, D. R. B., J. H. Beach, A. Stewart, G. Vorontsov, D. Vieglais, R. Scachetti Pereira. 2006. The use of the GARP genetic algorithm and internet grid computing in the Lifemapper world atlas of species biodiversity. Ecological Modeling 195 (1/2): 139-145. DOI:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2005.11.016.
Michener, W., J. Beach, S. Bowers, L. Downey, M. Jones, B. Ludaescher, D. Pennington, A. Rajasekar, S. Romanello, M. Schildhauer, D. Vieglais and J. Zhang. 2005. Data integration and workflow solutions for ecology. Pp. 321-324, in Data Integration in the Life Sciences. DOI: 10.1007/11530084_32.
Beach, J. H., Pramanik, S., and J. H. Beaman. 1993. Hierarchic taxonomic databases. Pp. 241-256 in: Fortuner, R. (Ed.), Advances in Computer Methods for Systematic Biology, Johns Hopkins University Press.
An additional 19 ecological publications in refereed biological journals
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
1999-2014. 32 Competitive Research Awards, Total: $12.8 Million