Kier Mitchel E. Pitogo

Headshot of Kier Pitogo.
  • Doctoral Candidate - Herpetology

Contact Info

Dyche Hall
1345 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045


Kier Mitchel Pitogo is a wildlife biologist from Mindanao Island in the Philippines, pursuing a PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. His research interests broadly include within-island drivers of speciation and conservation genetics, ecology, and policy. 


MS Wildlife Studies, University of the Philippines - Los Baños, Philippines
BS Marine Biology, Mindanao State University - General Santos, Philippines

Selected Publications

Meneses, C. G., Pitogo, K. M. E., Supsup, C. E., & Brown, R. M. (2024).   Philippine herpetology (Amphibia, Reptilia), 20 years on: two decades of progress towards an increasingly collaborative, equitable, and inclusive approach to the study of the archipelago’s amphibians and reptiles. ZooKeys, 1190, 213.

Pitogo, K. M. E., & Saavedra, A. J. L. (2024). Orchid trade at the source: Epiphytic species with conspicuous flowers in low‐elevation forests are more locally collected in a Philippine key biodiversity area. Biotropica, e13336.

Pitogo, K. M. E., Saavedra, A. J. L., Aurellado, M. E. B., de Guia, A. P. O., & Afuang, L. E. (2021). Functional traits and environment drive montane amphibian distribution in the southern Philippines. Biodiversity and Conservation, 30(14), 4177-4197.

Pitogo, K. M. E., Saavedra, A. J. L., & Afuang, L. E. (2021). Amphibians and reptiles of Mount Busa, Sarangani Province: a glimpse of the herpetological community of southern Mindanao, Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science, 150(5), 1279-1306.

Pitogo, K. M. E., & Saavedra, A. J. L. (2021). Rediscovery of Guttman’s Stream Frog, Pulchrana guttmani (Brown, 2015) from the mountains of southern Mindanao, Philippines. Herpetology Notes, 14, 163-167.

Pitogo, K.M.E., A.J.L. Saavedra, and L.E.Afuang. 2021. Amphibians and reptiles of Mount Busa, Sarangani Province: a glimpse of the herpetological community of southern Mindanao, Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science 150(5): 1279–1306.

Pitogo, K.M.E. 2021. Natural history notes on the elusive Taylor’s Burrowing Snake, Pseudorabdion taylori Leviton and Brown 1959, from southern Mindanao, Philippines. Herpetology Notes 14: 759–763.

Pitogo, K. M. E., and A.J.L. Saavedra. 2021. Rediscovery of Guttman’s Stream Frog, Pulchrana guttmani (Brown, 2015) from the mountains of southern Mindanao, Philippines. Herpetology Notes, 14: 163–167.

Pitogo, K.M.E., T.L.P. Senarillos, M.N. Tubera, and A.J. Barley. 2020. New habitat and altitudinal records for the enigmatic Eutropis englei Taylor, 1925 in southern Mindanao, Philippines. Herpetology Notes 13: 1045–1048.


Selected Presentations

Pitogo, K.M.E., and Saavedra, A.J.L. Conservation of the recently rediscovered Guttman’s stream frog (Pulchrana guttmani Brown, 2015) in the Philippines: from science to policy. 30th Philippine Biodiversity Symposium, Butuan City, Philippines. December 2022. Oral Presentation

Awards & Honors

Pitogo, K.M.E. Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Academic Fellowship on Environmental Issues. United States Department of State. $12,000. 6 weeks. 09/2016–10/2016.

Grants & Other Funded Activity

Pitogo, K.M.E. Unveiling the Hidden Herpetological Diversity of Mt. Busa Key Biodiversity Area, Southern Philippines: Conservation Gaps, Challenges, and Priorities. The Rufford Foundation. $7,595. January–December 2024. Funded

Pitogo, K.M.E. Conservation of the Recently Rediscovered Guttman’s Stream Frog (Pulchrana guttmani Brown, 2015): from science to policy. Auckland Zoo Conservation Fund. $2,735. June–December 2021. Funded

Pitogo, K.M.E. Amphibians and reptiles in Mt. Busa, Kiamba, Sarangani Province: species and functional trait responses along forest gradients. United States Agency for International Development (USAID). $3,867. October 2019–December 2020. Funded

Pitogo, K.M.E. Amphibian and reptile diversity of Mt. Busa, southern Mindanao, Philippines: species distributions along forest gradients. The Rufford Foundation. $6,140. March 2010–March 2020. Funded