Parker Rhinehart

Headshot of Parker Rhinehart
  • Doctoral Candidate - Vertebrate Paleontology

Contact Info

Dyche Hall
1345 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, AL


Parker Rhinehart is a vertebrate paleontologist interested in early Cenozoic mammal evolution and the biogeography of the Paleocene-Eocene of North America.


B.S. in Environmental Science, Georgia College & State University, 2019, Milledgeville, Georgia
M.S. in Biology, Georgia College & State University, 2021, Milledgeville, Georgia


I study a wide selection of Paleocene-Eocene mammals from North America and my current research focuses on systematics of omomyids, an early primate family. I am also interested in biogeographical and evolutionary patterns in North America surrounding the Paleocene-Eocene boundary and the associated climate event. My field work is based in southern Wyoming in the Great Divide Basin in collaboration with several other universities.

Research interests:

  • Vertebrate Paleontology, Mammal Paleontology, Paleogene Mammals, Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum

Selected Publications

Noble E.J., J.G. McManus, A.J. Mead, H. Mead, C. Seminack, W. Balco, T. Bennett, N.M. Crain, C. Duckworth, T. Malasek, J.Z. Pearson, P.D. Rhinehart, M.E. Ussery, Y. Sun, J.R. Patterson, and D.B. Patterson. 2020. Enamel isotopes reveal late Pleistocene ecosystem dynamics in southeastern North America. Quaternary Science Reviews 236, 106284. DOI:10.1016/j.quascirev.2020.106284

Rhinehart P.D., A.J. Mead, and D. Parmley. 2019. Eocene Terrestrial Mammals From Central Georgia. Georgia Journal of Science 77(2), 6: 1-9.

Selected Presentations

Rhinehart P.D., K.C. Beard, and R.L. Anemone. 2024. An anachronistic assemblage of omomyid primates from the early Eocene Wasatch Formation, Great Divide Basin, Wyoming, U.S.A. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting, Poster B225.

Rhinehart P.D. and K.C. Beard. 2022. A new species of Acmeodon (Mammalia, Cimolestidae) from the early Tiffanian (Late Paleocene) of the Bison Basin, Wyoming, USA. Society of Vertebrate Paleontology Annual Meeting, Poster B137.

Rhinehart P.D. and A.J. Mead. 2021. Pleistocene Rodents from Southeast Georgia. Georgia Academy of Science, 79(1), 23.


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