Teresa MacDonald

- Associate Director of Informal Science Education - Museum Staff
Contact Info
1345 Jayhawk Blvd.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Biography —
As Associate Director of Informal Science Education, Teresa oversees education, exhibits & outreach at the KU Natural History Museum. Teresa has extensive science education experience in museums, science centers, universities and schools from kindergarten to college level on three continents. She holds a PhD in science education, a master of science in vertebrate paleontology, and a bachelor of arts honors degree in physical anthropology. Her research interests include evolution education. Grant-funded projects include STEM Escape: Immersing urban and rural families in a biomedical mystery, The Tree Room: Teaching and learning about evolutionary relationships, Microbes on the Move: Exploring microbiomes through mobile museum experiences, A fisheye View of the tree of life, Understanding the Tree of Life, and Quarked! Adventures in the Subatomic Universe.
Education —
with Honors
Selected Publications —
Peer-Reviewed Publications
MacDonald, T., & Thanukos, A. (2023). Natural History Mystery: Immersing Families in a Problem-Solving Game Using Natural History Exhibits. Journal of STEM Outreach, 6(1). doi:10.15695/jstem/v6i1.08
Novick, L.R., Pickering, J., MacDonald, T., Diamond, J. et al. (2014). Depicting the tree of life in museums: guiding principles from psychological research. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 7(1): 1-13. doi:10.1186/s12052-014-0025-0.
MacDonald, T. and E. O. Wiley. (2012). Communicating phylogeny: Evolutionary tree diagrams in museums. Evolution: Education and Outreach, 5:14-28. doi:10.1007/s12052-012-0387-0.
MacDonald, T., and Bean, A. (2011). Adventures in the Subatomic Universe: An exploratory study of a scientist-museum physics education project. Public Understanding of Science, 20(6): 846-862. doi: 10.1177/0963662510361417.
MacDonald, T., and Bean, A. (2009). Get Quarked! NSTA Science Scope, 33(4): 43-47.
MacDonald, T., and Bean, A. (2009). Quarked! Adventures in physics education. The Physics Teacher, 47:38-41. doi: 10.1119/1.3049879.
Selected Conference Presentations
MacDonald, T. (2019). Microbes on the Move: Exploring microbiomes through mobile museum experiences. Presentation at the Kansas EPSCoR Symposium, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, March 18.
Thanukos, A., MacDonald, T., Heiser, D., and Ross, R. (2016). Visualizing Evolution: Reinforcing NGSS’s Unity and Diversity Standards at zoos and aquariums. Presentation at AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums) annual conference, San Diego, CA, September.
Thanukos, A., MacDonald, T., Heiser, D., and Ross, R. (2016). The Tree Room: New tools for integrating the Tree of Life into exhibits and educational programs. Poster at AZA (Association of Zoos and Aquariums) annual conference, San Diego, CA, September.
MacDonald, T. (2014). Evolutionary Tree Design: An exploratory study of the influence of linear versus branched format on visitors' interpretation and understanding. Poster at NARST (National Association for Research in Science Teaching) conference, Pittsburgh, PA, March.
MacDonald, T. (2012). Falling Anvils, Nano-bits and Photons: Nanotechnology for Renewable Energy K-12 Outreach. Presentation at Kansas NSF EPSCoR Statewide Conference, Wichita, KS, January.
Bean, A, and MacDonald, T. (2011). The Multimedia Project Quarked! Proceedings of the DPF-2011 (Division of Particles and Fields of the American Physical Society) Conference, Providence, RI, August.
MacDonald, T. (2010). Communicating Phylogeny: Evolutionary tree diagrams in museums. Paper presented at NARST (National Association for Research in Science Teaching) annual conference, Philadelphia, PA, March.
Donovan, S., Matuk, C.F., MacDonald, T., Diamond, J., et al. (2009). Understanding the tree of life. Poster presented at the National Association of Biology Teachers (NABT) Professional Development Conference. Denver, CO, November.
Selected Invited Contributions
MacDonald, T. (2018). Characters, Change & Crunchy Bits: Intuitive Ideas and Understanding Evolution. Presentation at Skeptics of Oz Conference, Wichita, KS, April.
Lampe, B., and MacDonald, T. (2013). Rubber Chicken Science. Keynote Speaker for Women in Science Day, Association for Women in Science, Washburn University, October.
MacDonald, T. (2013). Get Quarked! Adventures in Physics Education. Science Café, Topeka, May.
MacDonald, T. (2013). Time for Evolution: Natural History Style. Keynote Speaker for Darwine event, Great Plains Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, February.
Lampe, B., and MacDonald, T. (2012). Matter, Mammals and Molecules: Adventures in Science Education. Keynote Speaker for Women in Science Day, Association for Women in Science, Washburn University, October.
Kirchner, D., and MacDonald, T. (2010). Matter, Mammals and Molecules: Adventures in Science Education. Keynote Speaker for Women in Science Day, Association for Women in Science, Washburn University, October.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
STEM Escape: Immersing urban and rural families in a biomedical mystery (NIH SEPA)
Microbes on the Move: Exploring microbiomes through mobile museum experiences (NSF EPSCoR)
The Tree Room: Teaching and Learning about Evolutionary Relationships (IMLS)
Natural History Mystery: Immersing families in a problem-solving game using museum collections (IMLS)
Understanding the Tree of Life (NSF)
Euteleost Tree of Life (NSF)
Nanotechnology for Renewable Energy (NSF EPSCoR)
Adventures at Nanoscale: Superconductivity (NSF)
Quarked! Adventures in the Subatomic Universe (Google AdWords)
Quarked! Adventures in the Subatomic Universe (NSF EPSCoR, Kauffman Foundation)