Craig Freeman

- Senior Curator - Botany
Contact Info
Biography —
Dr. Freeman is a plant systematist interested in the diversity of vascular plants in the grassland biome of central North America and conservation issues in the Great Plains.
Education —
Research —
My research documents the diversity and distribution of vascular plants in the grasslands of central North America, seeks explanations for those patterns, and examines a host of related conservation issues. I have developed tools to assess species and plant communities, gathered baseline data to characterize natural and developed landscapes, and developed conservation-oriented land management strategies. In parallel, I do descriptive, alpha-level, collection- and specimen-based taxonomic research that derives in part from my ecological and floristic work. My survey and inventory work during the past 15 years has yielded nearly 16,000 collections from across the central and western U.S., and hundreds of observations for rare and declining plant species. Biodiversity informatics is a central element of my work—especially building databases that allow biodiversity data to be managed, analyzed, and visualized.
The Flora of North America project currently is the primary outlet for most of my taxonomic work, allowing collection data to be integrated into modern taxonomic treatments for North American plants. I have authored original taxonomic treatments for more than 30 genera in the flora, including the first modern treatment for Penstemon (Plantaginaceae), the third most species-rich genus in North America north of Mexico. Data gathered from field and herbarium studies of more than 30,000 specimens currently are being used to carry our further studies of the systematics and biogeography of the genus.
Selected Publications —
Freeman, C.C. 2019. Gratiola (Plantaginaceae). In Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+. Flora of North America North of Mexico. 20+ vols (Vol. 17, pp. 264-269). New York and Oxford.
Freeman, C.C. 2019. Penstemon (Plantaginaceae). In Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+. Flora of North America North of Mexico. 20+ vols (Vol. 17, pp. 82-255). New York and Oxford.
Freeman, C.C. and C.A. Morse. 2019. New and interesting plant records for the central United States. Missouriensis 37: 16-38.
Freeman, C.C., R.K. Rabeler, and W.J. Elisens. 2019. Plantaginaceae. In Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+. Flora of North America North of Mexico. 20+ vols (Vol. 17, pp. 11-15). New York and Oxford.
Freeman, C.C. 2016. Hydrangea (Hydrangeaceae). In Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+. Flora of North America North of Mexico. 20+ vols (Vol. 12, pp. 486-489). New York and Oxford.
Haddock, M.J., C.C. Freeman, and J.E. Bare. 2015. Kansas Wildflowers and Weeds. University Press of Kansas.
Freeman, C.C. 2009. Pyrola (Ericaceae). In Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+. Flora of North America North of Mexico. 20+ vols (Vol. 8, pp. 378–384). New York and Oxford.
Freeman, C.C. and N. Levsen. 2009. Chrysosplenium (Saxifragaceae). In Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+. Flora of North America North of Mexico. 20+ vols (Vol. 8, pp. 70–75). New York and Oxford.
Soltis, D.E. and C.C. Freeman. 2009. Mitella (Saxifragaceae). In Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+. Flora of North America North of Mexico. 20+ vols (Vol. 8, pp. 108–114). New York and Oxford.
Hinds, H.R. and C.C. Freeman. 2005. Persicaria (Polygonaceae). In Flora of North America Editorial Committee, eds. 1993+. Flora of North America North of Mexico. 20+ vols (Vol. 5, pp. 574–593). New York and Oxford.
Freeman, C.C., and Morse, C.A. 2003. The vascular flora of the Ogallala ecotone on the Dempsey Divide, Roger Mills County, Oklahoma. Sida 20: 1215–1243.
Chapman, S.S., J.M. Omernik, J. Freeouf, D.G. Huggins, J.R. McCauley, C.C. Freeman, G. Steinauer, and R. Angelo. 2001. Ecoregions of Nebraska and Kansas. Corvallis, OR: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Freeman, C.C. 1998. The flora of Konza Prairie: a historical review and contemporary patterns. In Grassland dynamics: long-term ecological research in tallgrass prairie (pp. 69–80). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Collins, J.T., S. Collins, J. Horak, D. Mulhern, W. Busby, C.C. Freeman, and G. Wallace. 1995. An illustrated guide to endangered and threatened species in Kansas. University Press of Kansas.
Freeman, C.C. and T.M. Barkley. 1995. A synopsis of the genus Packera (Asteraceae: Senecioneae) in Mexico. Sida 16: 699–709.
Freeman, C.C. and E.K. Schofield. 1991. Roadside wildflowers of the southern Great Plains. University Press of Kansas.
Gibson, D.J., C.C. Freeman, and L.C. Hulbert. 1990. Effects of small mammal and invertebrate herbivory on plant species richness and abundances in tallgrass prairie. Oecologia 84: 169–175.
Freeman, C.C. and R.E. Brooks. 1988. Documented plant chromosome numbers 1988: 1. Chromosome counts for North American plants-I. Sida 13: 241–250.
Morse, C.A., C.C. Freeman, and R.L. McGregor. 2007. New, corrected, and interesting records for the Kansas vascular flora. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas 1: 753–761.
Churchill, S.P., C.C. Freeman, and G.E. Kantak. 1988. The vascular flora of the Niobrara Valley Preserve and adjacent areas in Nebraska. Trans. Nebraska Acad. Sci. 16: 1–15.
Freeman, C.C. 1983. Chromosome numbers in Great Plains species of Penstemon (Scrophulariaceae). Brittonia 35: 232–238.
Awards & Honors —
2020 Author's Award of Excellence, Midwest Chapter International Society of Arboriculture
2017 Jan Garton Prairie Heritage Book Award, Prairie Heritage, Inc.
2016 Kansas Notable Book Award, Kansas Center for the Book at the State Library of Kansas
2015 Stephen L. Timme Excellence in Botany Award, Kansas Native Plant Society
2013 KU Research Achievement Award, KU Research and Graduate Studies
2013 Sheldon H. Cohen Award for Outstanding Service, Kansas Native Plant Society
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Digitization TCN: Collaborative Research: American Crossroads: Digitizing the Vascular Flora of the South-Central United States; Oklahoma State University (NSF subaward); $78,867 (2019–2020)
Characterizing Biological Structure and Ecological Function of Kansas Playas. US EPA Region 7 and Kansas Water Office; $330,520 (2017–2019)
Development of wetlands in aging reservoirs: opportunities to enhance wetland capacity and improve water quality; US EPA Region 7 and Kansas Water Office; $332,585 (2016–2017)
Conversion of existing farm ponds to wetlands in agricultural landscapes for mitigation, land use treatment, and conservation with a perspective toward climate change; Kansas Water Office; $174,693 (2015–2017)
Assessment of the status of Blowout Penstemon (Penstemon haydenii S. Watson, Plantaginaceae) using molecular and morphological approaches; US Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management; $23,744 (2010–2015)
Plants, herbivores, and parasitoids: a model system for the study of tri-trophic associations; Missouri Botanical Garden (NSF subaward); $44,800 (2011–2015)
Vegetation survey and mapping of Fort Riley, Kansas; US Army COE; $243,000 (2010-2012)
Cooperative Ecosystem Study Unit, Great Rivers CESU (ITIS development); US Geological Survey; $279,000 (2010–2011)
Development of a multi-herbarium web-accessible herbarium database of the vascular plants from the Missouri Plateau, USA; Black Hills State University (NSF subaward); $13,000 (2009–2010)
Expediting PLANTS Data: Lamiales and Fabaceae. Supplement; US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service; $143,000 (2008–2010)
Assessment of floodplain wetlands of the lower Missouri River using an EMAP study approach phase II: verification of rapid assessment tools. US EPA Region 7; $325,499 (2007–2009)
Taxonomic concept mapping and associated data maintenance for the USDA PLANTS database – Supplement; US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service; $88,000 (2007–2008)
Taxonomic concept mapping and associated data maintenance for the USDA PLANTS database; US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service; $140,000 (2006–2007)
Assessment of floodplain wetlands of the lower Missouri River using EMAP study approach. US EPA Region 7; $209,481 (2004–2007)
A natural features inventory of the Smoky Hill ANG Range–Supplement; US Army; $100,000 (2003–2007)
Herbarium improvement and development of a consolidated vascular plant database for western South Dakota and eastern Wyoming. Black Hills State University (NSF subaward); $12,698 (2006–2007)
Inferred photosynthetic pathway for PLANTS database; US Department of Agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation Service; $7,000 (2006)
The preparation of recommendations and action plan for control and abatement of invasive and non-native species at Kansas Air National Guard (ANG) Smoky Hill Range, Salina, Kansas; US Army; $71,829 (2005–2006)
A systematic inventory for natural areas, focusing on habitat for protected and rare species in Johnson, Miami, Leavenworth, and Douglas counties in Kansas; Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks; $177,787 (2004–2005)
Vegetation survey of Fort Riley, Kansas; US Army; $150,000 (2002–2005)
A natural features inventory of the Smoky Hill ANG Range; US Air Force; $170,341 (2002–2005)
A natural areas inventory of the Fort Leavenworth Military Reservation, Kansas: follow-up studies; US Army–Fort Leavenworth; $98,288 (2002–2003)
Floristic surveys of east-central Colorado: Cheyenne, Kiowa, Kit Carson, and Lincoln counties; Colorado Natural Areas Program; $3,500 (2000–2001)
A survey for protected and rare species and exemplary natural areas on the McConnell Air Force Base in Sedgwick County, Kansas; U.S. Department of Defense, McConnell Air Force Base; $16,381 (1999)
Computerization of the extant plant collections, KU Natural History Museum Division of Botany; NSF; $299,993 (1997–1999)
Establishment of a geographic information system in the Kansas Biological Survey (KBS) for information about endangered, threatened, and rare species in Kansas, and enhancement of KBS’ ability to acquire and upgrade existing information about endangered, threatened, and rare species; Dow AgroSciences; $42,800 (1998–1998)
A systematic survey for protected and rare animals and plants and the identification of riparian natural communities along the Solomon River in Kansas; US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation; $166,928 (1996–1998)
A natural areas inventory of the Fort Leavenworth Military Reservation, Leavenworth County, Kansas. Part II: proposal for funding to complete work on the project; US Department of Defense, US Army; $55,034 (1995–1998)
Inventory of protected and rare species and a survey of riparian areas in the Republican River drainage, Kansas; US Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation; $161,286 (1995–1997)
A survey for protected and rare species and exemplary natural areas on the Kansas Army Ammunition Plant; US Department of Defense, US Army; $25,976 (1993–1995)
A survey for protected and rare species and exemplary natural areas on the McConnell Air Force Base in Sedgwick County, Kansas; US Department of Defense, McConnell Air Force Base; $16,210 (1993–1994)
A survey for endangered and threatened species on the Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant, Johnson County, Kansas; Hercules Aerospace Company; $10,298 (1992–1993)
Endangered, threatened, and rare species in the Southeast Kansas Corridor. Phase IC; Howard Needles Tammen and Bergendoff; $61,880 (1991–1992)
Status survey for western prairie fringed orchid (Platanthera praeclara Sheviak and Bowles) on the Fort Riley Military Reservation, Kansas; US Department of the Interior, US Fish and Wildlife Service; $8,157 (1990–1991)
Status surveys for Trifolium stoloniferum and Platanthera praeclara in Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota; US Department of the Interior, US Fish and Wildlife Service; $21,895 (1988–1989)
Rare plants of the Cimarron National Grassland, Kansas; US Department of Agriculture, US Forest Service; $2,200 (1987–1989)