Leonard Krishtalka

- Director Emeritus - Biodiversity Institute
- Professor Emeritus - Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Contact Info
Education —
Research —
Dr. Leonard Krishtalka's interests include science policy and administration, history of science, biodiversity informatics, and the paleobiology of mammals.
Teaching —
Current Academic Appointments:
University of Kansas
Professor Emeritus, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Director Emeritus, Biodiversity Institute
Previous Academic Appointments:
University of Pittsburgh
Adjunct (Asst., Assoc., Full) Professor, 1976-1995
Departments of Biology; Geology & Planetary Sciences; and Anthropology
Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Assistant Director for Science, 1989-1995
Leave of absence to NSF, 1992-1993
Curator, Vertebrate Paleontology, 1989-1995
Editor, Scientific Publications, 1986-1995
Annals, Bulletin, and Special Publications
Associate Curator, Vertebrate Paleontology, 1980 - 1988
Assistant Curator, Vertebrate Paleontology, 1977 - 1980
Post Doctoral & Research Fellow, 1975 - 1977
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC
Program Director, Division of Environmental Biology, 1992 - 1993
Two research programs:
Research Collections in Systematics and Ecology
Biotic Surveys & Inventories
Selected Publications —
The Bone Field. Gatekeeper Press, Columbus, Ohio, 2018, 299 p.
Dinosaur Plots & Other Intrigues in Natural History. William Morrow & Co., New York, 1989, 316 p; Avon Paperback, 1990.
Book Chapters
Krishtalka, L. (2009) Letter to Linnaeus. Pp. 31-34 In, Letters to Linnaeus, S. Knapp and Q. Wheeler, Eds. Linnaean Society of London.
Krishtalka, L. (2009) Natural History Museums as Sentinel Observatories of Life on Earth: A Public Trust. Pp. In, Beyond the Turnstile: Making the Case for Museums and Sustainable Values. Altamira Press, 216 pp
Krishtalka, L. (2009) Among Trees, pp. 16-17, In Trees and Other Ramifications: Branches in Nature and Culture. Spencer Museum of Art, Blurb Publications.
Krishtalka, L. (1993). Anagenetic Angst: Species Boundaries in Eocene Primates. In B. Kimbel & L. Martin (Eds.), Species, Species Concepts and Primate Evolution (pp. 331-344). NY: Plenum Press. (Invited)
Journal Articles
Krishtalka, L., E. Dalcin, S. Ellis, J. Ganglo, T. Hosoya, M. Nakae, I. Owens, D. Paul, M. Pignal, B. Thiers. (2016). Accelerating the discovery of biocollections data. GBIF, Copenhagen.
Schindel, D., Krishtalka, L. & J. Edwards. (2016) Comment on “Biologists ask NSF to reconsider plan to pause collections funding program”, Science, March 25, 2016. ScienceInsider.
Robbins, R.J., Krishtalka, L., and J. Wooley. (2016). Advances in Biodiversity: Metagenomics and the Unveiling of Biological Dark Matter. Standards in Genomic Science 11: 69. 17 pp
Peterson, A. T., J. Soberon and L. Krishtalka.(2015). A global perspective on decadal challenges and priorities in biodiversity informatics. BMC Ecology, 9pp.
Walls, R. et al., [Krishtalka, L. 13th author, listed alphabetically] 2014. Semantics in Support of Biodiversity Knowledge Discovery: An Introduction to the Biological Collections Ontology and Related Ontologies. PLOS One.
Hobern, D. ... Krishtalka, L. [one of 15 authors] (2013) ]. Global Biodiversity Informatics Outlook: Delivering Biodiversity Knowledge In the Information Age. Proceedings of a Conference, Global Biodiversity Information Conference, GBIF, Copenhagen. 41 pp.
Krishtalka, L. and R. Robbins. (2012). Biological dark matter and Quantum Biology. Gordon Research Conference, June, 2012
Robbins, R. J., Amaral-Zettler, L., Bik, H., Blum, S., Edwards, J., Field, D., Garrity, G., Gilbert, J. A., Kottmann, R., Krishtalka, L., Lapp, H., Lawrence, C., Morrison, N., Tuama, E. Ó., Parr, C., San Gil, I., Schindel, D., Schriml, L., Vieglas, D., & Wooley, J. (2012). RCN4GSC Workshop Report: Managing Data at the Interface of Biodiversity and (Meta)Genomics, March 2011. Standards in genomic sciences, 7(1), 159-65. doi:10.4056/sigs.3156511
Robbins, R. J., Cochrane, G., Davies, N., Dawyndt, P., Kottmann, R., Krishtalka, L. K., Morrison, N., Tuama, E. Ó., San Gil, I., & Wooley, J. (2012). RCN4GSC Workshop Report: Modeling a Testbed for Managing Data at the Interface of Biodiversity and (Meta)Genomics, April 2011. Standards in genomic sciences, 7(1), 153-8. doi:10.4056/sigs.3146509
Rogers, F., Krishtalka, L. (2010). Trans-Boundary Conservation Areas, Biodiversity Conservation and Peace Parks. (Annual GBIF Science Symposium 2010, Suwon, South Korea: 2 pp.King, N., Krishtalka, L., & Chivan, V. (2010). Thoughts on implementation of the recommendeds of the GBIF task force on a global strategy and action plan for mobilization of natural history collections data. Biodiversity Informatics, 7, 72-76.
Banks, W., Krishtalka, L., et al. (2006). Eco-Cultural Niche Modeling: New Tools for Reconstructing the Geography and Ecology of Past Human Populations. PaleoAnthropology, 68-83.
15 authors, LK 4th)
Causey, D., Janzen, D., Peterson, T., Vieglais, D., Krishtalka, L., Beach, J., & Wiley, E. (2004). Museum Collections and Taxonomy. Science, 305, 1106-1107.
Krishtalka, L. (2003). At Natural History Museums, The Ox is Gored. Museum News, (37), 64-65. (Invited)
Krishtalka, L. (2001). Answering the Aliens: Museum Biodiversity Education. Curator, 43(2), 103-110.
Journal dated April 2000 but published in Dec 2001
Krishtalka, L., & Humphrey, P. S. (2000). Can natural history museums capture the future? BioScience, 50(7), 611-617.
Krishtalka, L. (1999). Evolution theory explains fact. Kansas Biology Teacher, 8(1), 5-6.
[reprint of Lawrence-Journal World Op-Ed, March 17, 7B]
Krishtalka, L., & Humphrey, P. S. (1998). Fiddling while the Planet Burns: The Challenge for U.S. Natural History Museums. Museum News, 77(2), 29-35.
Krishtalka, L., Beard, K. C., & Sige, D. (1992). A primitive vespertilionoid bat from the early Eocene of central Wyoming. C.R. Acad. Sciences, 314, 735-741.
Krishtalka, L., Beard, K. C., & Stucky, R. K. (1992). Revision of the Wind River Faunas, early Eocene of central Wyoming. Part 12. New species of omomyid primates (Mammalia) and omomyid taxonomic composition across the early-middle Eocene boundary. Annals Carnegie Mus., 61, 39-62.
Krishtalka, L. (1992). In the Grube in the Eocene. Nature, 355, 296-297.
Krishtalka, L., & Stucky, R. K. (1991). The application of geologic remote sensing to vertebrate biostratigraphy: general results from the Wind River Basin, Wyoming. The Mountain Geologist, 28(2/3), 75-82.
Krishtalka, L., Rose, K. D., & Stucky, R. (1991). Revision of the Wind River Faunas, early Eocene of central Wyoming. Part 11. Palaeanodonta (Mammalia). Annals Carnegie Mus., 60, 63-82.
Beard, K. C., Krishtalka, L., & Stucky, R. K. (1991). First skulls of the early Eocene primate Shoshonius cooperi and the anthropoid-tarsier dichotomy. Nature, 349(6304), 64-7. doi:10.1038/349064a0 ISSN: 0028-0836
Krishtalka, L., & Stucky, R. (1990). Revision of the Wind River Faunas, early Eocene of central Wyoming. Part 10. Bunophorus (Mammalia, Artiodactyla). Annals. Carnegie Mus., 59(2), 149-171.
Krishtalka, L., Dawson, M. R., & Stucky, R. (1990). Revision of the Wind River Faunas, early Eocene of central Wyoming. Part 9. The oldest known hystricomorph rodent. Annals Carnegie Mus., 59(2), 135-147.
Krishtalka, L., Stucky, R. K., & Beard, K. C. (1990). The Earliest Fossil Evidence for Sexual Dimorphism in Primates. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 87, 1-4.
Krishtalka, L. (1990). The Evolution of Perissodactyia. Donald R. Prothero and Robert B. Schoch, Eds. Clarendon (Oxford University Press), New York, 1989. x, 537 pp., illus. $70. Oxford Monographs on Geology and Geophsics, no. 15. Based on a workshop, Edmonton, Alberta, Aug. 1985. Science (New York, N.Y.), 248(4957), 899-900. doi:10.1126/science.248.4957.899 ISSN: 0036-8075
Krishtalka, L., & Stucky, R. K. (1989). New skull of the Eocene primate Notharctus and the origin of anthropoids and lemuriforms. J. Vert. Paleo, 9(3), 28A.
Krishtalka, L., Stucky, R. K., & Flynn, J. (1989). Remote sensing and vertebrate paleontology. J. Vert. Paleo, 9(3), 40A.
Krishtalka, L., Hirsch, K. F., & Stucky, R. K. (1987). Revision of the Wind River faunas, early Eocene of central Wyoming. Part 8. First fossil lizard egg (?Gekkonidae) and list of associated lizards. Annals Carnegie Mus., 56(12), 223-230.
Krishtalka, L., & Black, C. C. (1986). Rodents, bats and insectivores from the Plio-Pleistocene sediments to the east of Lake Turkana, Kenya. Los Angeles County Mus. Nat. Hist, (372), 1-15.
Technical Paper
Krishtalka, L., & Stucky, R. K. (1985). Revision of the Wind River faunas, early Eocene of central Wyoming. Part 7. Revision of Diacodexis (Mammalia, Artiodactyla). Annals Carnegie Mus., 54(14), 413-486.
Krishtalka, L., Stucky, R. K., Rose, S., & Swarts, D. (1985). New early Eocene primate remains from the Wind River Basin, Wyoming. Amer. Jour. Physical Anthrop, 66(2), 235.
Krishtalka, L., & Stucky, R. K. (1984). Middle Eocene marsupials from northeastern Utah, and the mammalian fauna from Powder Wash. Annals Carnegie Mus., 53(2), 31-45.
Krishtalka, L. (1984). Early Eocene multituberculates (Mammalia, Allotheria) from the Big Horn Basin, Wyoming. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist., Special Publ., 9, 21-27.
Krishtalka, L., & Stucky, R. K. (1983). Paleocene and Eocene marsupials of North America. Annals Carnegie Mus., 52(10), 229-263.
Krishtalka, L., & Stucky, R. K. (1983). Revision of the Wind River faunas, early Eocene of central Wyoming. Part 3. Marsupialia. Annals Carnegie Mus., 52(9), 205-228.
Krishtalka, L., & Stucky, R. K. (1983). Revision of the Wind River faunas, early Eocene of central Wyoming. Part 4. The Tillodontia. Annals Carnegie Mus., 52(17), 375-391.
Krishtalka, L., & Stucky, R. K. (1982). Revision of the Wind River faunas, early Eocene of central Wyoming. Part 1. Introduction and Multituberculata. Annals Carnegie Mus., 51, 39-56.
Krishtalka, L., Black, C. C., Robinson, P., & Dawson, M. R. (1982). Fossil small mammals from the Kechabta Formation, northwestern Tunisia. Annals Carnegie Mus., 51(12), 231-249.
Krishtalka, L., Emry, R., Storer, J., & Sutton, J. (1982). Oligocene multituberculates (Mammalia, Allotheria): Youngest known record. Journal of Paleontology, 56, 791-794.
Krishtalka, L., Black, C., & Solounias, N. (1980). Mammalian fossils of Samos and Pikermi. Part 1. The Turolian rodents and insectivores. Annals Carnegie Mus., 19(21), 359-371.
Krishtalka, L., & West, R. (1979). Paleontology and geology of the Bridger Formation, southern Green River Basin, southwestern Wyoming. Part 4. The Geolabididae (Mammalia, Insectivora). Contribs. Biol. Milwaukee Publ. Mus., 27, 1-10.
Krishtalka, L. (1979). Paleontology and geology of the Badwater Creek area, central Wyoming. Part 18. Review of late Eocene Hyopsodus. Annals Carnegie Mus., 48(20), 377-389.
Krishtalka, L., & Schwartz, J. (1978). Phylogenetic relationships of plesiadapiform- tarsiiform primates. Annals Carnegie Mus., 47(22), 515-540.
Krishtalka, L. (1978). Paleontology and geology of the Badwater Creek area, central Wyoming. Part 15. Review of the late Eocene primates from Wyoming and Utah, and the Plesitarsiiformes. Annals Carnegie Mus., 47(15), 335-360.
Krishtalka, L., & Schwartz, J. (1977). Revision of Picrodontidae (Mammalia, Primates): dental homologies and relationships. Annals Carnegie Mus., 46(6), 55-70.
Krishtalka, L., & Setoguchi, T. (1977). Paleontology and geology of the Badwater Creek area, central Wyoming. Part 13. The late Eocene Insectivora and Dermoptera. Annals Carnegie Mus., 46(7), 71-99.
Krishtalka, L., & West, R. M. (1977). Paleontology and geology of the Bridger Formation, southern Green River Basin, southwestern Wyoming. Part 2. The Bridgerian insectivore Entomolestes grangeri. Contribs. Biol. Geol. Milwaukee Publ. Mus., 14, 1-11.
Krishtalka, L., & Schwartz, J. (1976). The lower antemolar dentition of Litolestes ignotus, a late Paleocene erinaceid (Mammalia, Insectivora). Annals Carnegie Mus., 46(1), 1-6.
Krishtalka, L. (1976). Early Tertiary Adapisoricidae and Erinaceidae (Mammalia, Insectivora) of North America. Bull. Carnegie Mus. Nat. Hist., 1, 1-40.
Krishtalka, L. (1976). North American Nyctitheriidae (Mammalia, Insectivora). Annals Carnegie Mus., 46(2), 7-28.
Krishtalka, L., & Black, C. C. (1975). Paleontology and geology of the Badwater Creek area, central Wyoming. Part 12. Description and review of late Eocene Multituberculata. Annals Carnegie Mus., 45(15), 287-297.
Krishtalka, L., Black, C. C., & Riedel, D. W. (1975). Paleontology and geology of the Badwater Creek area, central Wyoming. Part 10. A late Paleocene mammal fauna from the Shotgun Member of the Fort Union Formation. Annals Carnegie Mus., 45(9), 179-212.
Krishtalka, L. (1973). Late Paleocene mammals from the Cypress Hills, Alberta. Special Publ. Mus. Texas Tech Univ., 2, 1-77.
Conference Proceedings
Krishtalka, L., & Robbins, R. (2012). Biological dark matter and Quantum Biology. In Gordon Research Conference.
Rogers, F., & Krishtalka, L. (2010). Trans-Boundary Conservation Areas, Biodiversity Conservation and Peace Parks. In 9th Annual GBIF Science Symposium 2010 (pp. 2). Suwon, South Korea.
Vieglais, D. A., Stockwell, D. R. B., Cundari, C. M., Beach, J., Peterson, A. T., & Krishtalka, L. (1998). The species analyst: Tools enabling a comprehensive distributed biodiversity network. In Biotechnology & Biobusiness, 2nd Asia-Pacific Conference on Biotechnology, 23-27 November, Perth, Western Australia.
Krishtalka, L. (1992). Palaeontology. In the Grube in the Eocene. In Nature (6358th ed., Vol. 355, pp. 296-7). doi:10.1038/355296a0 ISSN: 0028-0836
Krishtalka, L. (1989). Fifth International Theriological Congress. Missing the boat? -- Currents in Evolutionary Paleobiology (639).
Krishtalka, L., Stucky, R. K., & Redline, A. (1988). Critical evaluation of remote sensing in the analysis of Cenozoic terrestrial rocks preserving fossil vertebrates. In IGARRS '88, Remote Sensing: Moving Toward the 21st Century (pp. 760). Agence Spatiale Europeenne, Paris.
Krishtalka, L., Stucky, R. K., & Redline, A. (1988). Geologic remote sensing of Palaeogene rocks in the Wind River Basin, Wyoming. In IGARRS '88, Remote Sensing: Moving Toward the 21st Century (pp. 1069-1072). Agence Spatiale Europeenne, Paris.
Krishtalka, L., Lang, H., Stucky, R., & Redline, A. (1987). Analysis of Paleocene/Eocene depositional environments: Preliminary TM and TIMS results, Wind River Basin, Wyoming. In Proc. Internat. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp. (pp. 1163-1168). Ann Arbor.
Krishtalka, L., Lang, H., Stucky, R., & Redline, A. (1987). Internat. Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp.. Analysis of Paleocene/Eocene depositional environments: Preliminary TM and TIMS results, Wind River Basin, Wyoming (1163-1168). Ann Arbor.
Selected Presentations —
Invited Presentations/Lectures
- Krishtalka, L. (2018). A new view of life: Quantum biology and biological dark matter. Biodiversity Conservation for a Sustainable Future Symposium. Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, February 2.
- Krishtalka, L. (2016). Forget everything you ever learned in biology. Science on Tap. Jan 20
- Krishtalka, L. (2016). The Anthropocene and the Life of the Planet. Kansas Citizens for Science. Feb 9
- Krishtalka, L. (2015). Global Biodiversity Information Facility: Tackling global challenges with biodiversity data. Canadian Museum of Nature, January 14.
- Krishtalka, L. (2015). Tackling the Life of the Planet: Biodiversity Challenges. Schreiner University, Kerville, TX , April 7
- Krishtalka, L. (2015). Microbial Life as Biological Dark Matter. Schreiner University, Kerville, TX, April 8
- Krishtalka, L. (2015). Studying the Life of the Planet. Sierra Club, Topeka, KS. April 28
- Krishtalka, L. (2015). Quantum Biology and Biological Dark Matter. Genetic Standards Consortium, Joint Genomic Institute, Walnut Creek, CA May 5
- Krishtalka, L. (2014). Quantum Biology and Biological Dark Matter. Microsoft/Internet 2 Large Data Summit, KU Sep. 22
- Krishtalka, L. (2014). Advocating Bio-Collections Knowledge, Annual Meeting, Soc. Preservation of Natural History Collection, Cardiff, Wales, June 26
- Krishtalka, L. (2013). Science and the Law. Environment and Law Symposium, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, January 18.
- Krishtalka, L. (2013). Building Biodiversity Institutions. 4 lectures. South African National Biodiversity Institution. Jan 23-26.
- Krishtalka, L. (2013) GBIF Current and Future Science. GBIF Annual Meeting, Berlin, Oct. 8
- Krishtalka, L. (2012, January). The Knowledge Frontier. American Society of Engineers Annual Meeting, Lawrence, KS.
Krishtalka, L. (2011, November 9). Science Grand Challenges and Research. USDA-NIFA Annual meeting Keynote, Chicago.
Krishtalka, L. (2011, July 20). Implementing Grand Challenge Research Projects. Euro Flagship Science, Vienna, Austria.
Krishtalka, L. (2011, July 19). Managing Data in Grand Challenge Research. Euro Flagship Science, Vienna, Austria.
Krishtalka, L. (2010, May 26). Beyond the Turnstile: Making the Case for Museums and Sustainable Values. AAM Annual Meetings, Los Angeles.
Krishtalka, L. (2010, April 30). The Great American Research Grant. NSF EPSCoR conference, OU, Norman, OK.
Krishtalka, L. (2010, January 16). The Knowledge Future, Keynote address. K-IMBRE Convention, Kansas City.
Krishtalka, L. (2009, July 21). NEON Biodiversity Informatics, Boulder, CO.
Krishtalka, L. (2009, March 30). Museum Leadership Series, University of Colorado.
Krishtalka, L. (2008). Tree of life Symposium. Co-convener, Creative Campus, University of Kansas.
Krishtalka, L. (2008, October 22). Symposium [Steering Committee]: NEON collections: repository issues and collections-based data management. Smithsonian, NMNH.
Krishtalka, L. (2008, April 19). Ecoforecasting center for the Great Plains. Co-convener, KU The Commons.
Krishtalka, L. (2008, April 18). Ecoforecasting across natural and human systems. Convener, KU The Commons.
Krishtalka, L. (2007). Convener, Archaeology Collections and Specify Workshop, KU w/U. Alaska, KU, U Arkansas, U Oklahoma participants.
Krishtalka, L. (2007). The Commons presents Voices from the Margins: Silent Spring/Silencing Rachel Carson. Co-Convenver, Spencer Museum of Art.
Krishtalka, L. (2007, December 4). Taxonomy in Europe in the 21st C: Informatics and Technology Foresight. EDIT-European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy Symposium, Oxford University, Oxford, England.
Krishtalka, L., & Dodds, W. (2007, September 19). Understanding and forecasting ecological change in the Central Plains. National Science Foundation.
Krishtalka, L. (2007, June 15). Forecasting environmental phenomena: spread of disease. DHS.
Krishtalka, L., & Peterson, T. (2007, April 25). Forecasting biodiversity phenomena. Dept. Homeland Security and USDA.
Krishtalka, L. (2007, April 12). Ecoforecasting Center for the Central Plains. EPSCoR Annual Symposium, KSU.
Krishtalka, L. (2006). Management and Leadership of Multi-Institutional and Interdisciplinary Research Collaborations. AAAS Annual Meeting, Symposium, St. Louis.
Krishtalka, L. (2006, November 9). Applying the Innovative Culture to High-Priority National Needs: Environment. 2006 NSF EPSCoR National Conference, Lexington, KY.
Co-leader, Breakout session
Krishtalka, L. (2006, November 9). National Priorities: Forecasting Environmental Phenomena. 2006 NSF EPSCoR National Conference, Lexington, KY.
Krishtalka, L. (2006, July). Forecasting The Spread of Avian Influenza and the role of the Aleutian Islands. Discovery Community presentation, Adak, Alaska.
Krishtalka, L. (2006, March). Forecasting Biodiversity Phenomena using Ecological Niche Modeling. USF&WS, Homer, AL.
Krishtalka, L. (2005, November 7). Forecasting Environmental Phenomena. FESTA Lecture, College of Charleston.
Krishtalka, L. (2005, September 21). Ecological-Cultural Niche Modeling: Prospects for modeling eco-cultural niches of archeological humans. European Science Foundation, University of Bordeaux, Le Musée National de Préhistoire, Les Eysies, France.
Krishtalka, L. (2005, August 3). Predicting and Forecasting Biodiversity Phenomena. EPA, Kansas City.
Krishtalka, L. (2005, May 13). Deploying Biocollections information to Forecast Biodiversity Phenomena. Natural Science Collections Alliance, Annual Meeting, Santa Barbara, CA.
Krishtalka, L. (2005, May 6). Forecasting Environmental Phenomena: A Circumpolar Arctic Biodiversity Network. University of Alaska, Anchorage.
Krishtalka, L. (2005, April 19). Evolution and Intelligent Design. 20th C. Generation Society, Lawrence, KS.
Krishtalka, L. (2005, February 24). Conservation Innovation in the 21st Century. Hallmark Foundation, Kansas City.
Krishtalka, L. (2004, December 7). Environmental Cyberinfrastructure. NSF workshop, Washington DC.
Krishtalka, L. (2004, November 15). NEON Research and Education. NSF workshop, Washington, DC.
Krishtalka, L. (2004, September 10). Academic Fictions: University Research. Hall Center for the Humanities, Faculty Colloquium, University of Kansas.
Krishtalka, L. (2004, August 30). Predictive modeling of bioterrorism and agroterrorism agents in Kansas and the U.S. Kansas Legislative Joint Committee on Bioterrorism.
Krishtalka, L. (2004, August 10). Predictive modeling of bioterror agents. Sen. Roberts/DoD Task Force, University of Kansas.
Krishtalka, L. (2004, July 29). National Science Foundation/AIBS NEON Workshop on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function. Hastings Reserve, CA.
Krishtalka, L. (2004, June 15). NEON Research and Informal Science Education. National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA.
Krishtalka, L., & Peterson, T. (2004, May 29). Department of Defence Workshop: Biodiversity Informatics Research and Bioterrorism. University of Kansas.
Krishtalka, L. (2004, May 26). The future of natural history collections. Natural Science Collections Alliance, Annual Meeting, Smithsonian, DC.
Krishtalka, L., & West, D. (2004, March 11). Eco-cultural modeling of archeological human populations. NSF Workshop on Eco-cultural Modeling, University of Kansas.
Co-organizer w/D. West
Krishtalka, L. (2004, February 25). Symposium on the Future of Research. Lecture and panel, University of Kansas.
Krishtalka, L. (2004, January 20). Predictive modeling of biodiversity phenomena. Moore Foundation, San Francisco, CA.
Krishtalka, L. (2004, January 8). Writing the great American Grant Proposal. Oklahoma NSF EPSCoR Conference, University of Oklahoma, Norman.
Krishtalka, L., & West, D. (2003, November 8). Archeological Informatics: Using Archeological Collection Data to Model Prehistoric Human Systems. 11th Annual Arctic Conference, University of Washington, Seattle.
Krishtalka, L. (2003, November 2). Get Funded: Writing the Great American Grant Proposal, Genes in Ecology, Ecology in Genes, Ecological Genomics Symposium, Overland Park.
Krishtalka, L. (2003, October 11). Using Biodiversity Informatics to Predict Environmental Phenomena. Society of Women Engineers, Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL.
Krishtalka, L., & McNyset, K. (2003, August 23). Modeling Evolutionary Phenomena using Biodiversity Informatics. European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Leeds, England.
Krishtalka, L. (2003, August 6). Predictive Modeling of Potential Bioterrorism Agents: Disease, Invasive Species and Pests. Kansas Homeland Security Symposium, Kansas City.
Krishtalka, L. (2003, April 30). Bioterrorism/Agroterrorism Prediction and Risk Assessment. Consortium of Biodefence Researchers, 4th Annual Conference, Texas Tech University.
Krishtalka, L. (2003, April 8). How to Write a Successful Grant Proposal. Panel/Lecture, KU, Kansas NSF EPSCoR Conference.
Krishtalka, L. (2002, December 11). Conservation innovation in America: Past, present and future. Smithsonian American Art Museum’s Renwick Gallery.
Krishtalka, L. (2002, December 5). Facing the future: Science in the 21st century. University of Kansas Fall 2002 Colloquium, Hall Center for the Humanties.
Krishtalka, L. (2002, September 10). New Frontiers in Research and Development. 2002 NSF EPSCoR National Conference, Anchorage, AL.
Krishtalka, L. (2002, March 28). Conservation of Land and Biodiversity in the 21st Century: A leadership dialogue. Lincoln Institute on Land Policy, Cambridge, MA.
Krishtalka, L. (2002, February 22). Grand Challenges in Science for the 21st Century. Iowa State University.
Krishtalka, L. (2001, July 25). Charting research for the 21st Century. NSF workshop, Santa Fe Institute.
Krishtalka, L. (2001, May 4). 21st Century Science: What are the policy questions? AAAS Colloquium on Science and Technology Policy, Washington, DC.
Information technology and the ten grand research challenges for the 21st Century
Krishtalka, L., Vieglais, D., Peterson, T., Beach, J., & Wiley, E. (2001, February 20). A Research Network for Biodiversity Science: Impact of Computer Networking Technologies on Scientific Research. AAAS, 2001 Annual Meetings, San Francisco.
Krishtalka, L. (2001, February 14). Supercomputing and the Human Endeavor. Symposium, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington, DC.
Krishtalka, L. (2000, December 5). Assembling The Tree of Life. NSF Research Workshop, U Texas, Austin.
Krishtalka, L. (2000, December 1). Biodiversity Collections and Emerging Diseases, Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta.
Krishtalka, L. (2000, October 19). 17th International CODATA Conference, Baveno, Italy.
Krishtalka, L. (2000, September 14). Evolution and Development in a Phylogenetic Context. NSF Research Workshop, Arlington, VA.
Krishtalka, L. (2000, June 16). Conservation in the Internet Age: Strategic Threats and Opportunities. Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government.
Krishtalka, L. (2000, May 5). National Ecological Observatory Network. NSF Research Workshop, Santa Fe Institute.
Krishtalka, L. (2000, February 28). World of Change. Keynote address, Moorhead State University, Moorhead, MN.
Krishtalka, L. (1999, November 6). Myth Mongering and Monkey Business. Conference on “Monkey Business in Kansas: The Rational Response,”, Center for Inquiry, Kansas City.
Krishtalka, L. (1999, June 25). National Biological Information Infrastructure. Environment Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
Krishtalka, L. (1999, April 24). Long Range Collections Planning. Association of Systematics Collections, Cleveland.
Krishtalka, L. (1999, March 2). Second Conference to Establish National Consortium for the Study of Emerging Threats. Sevilleta Field Station, U New Mexico.
Krishtalka, L. (1999, February 20). State of Asian Biodiversity. Plenary lecture, University of Kansas East Asian Conference, Lawrence.
Krishtalka, L. (1999, January 28). Finding the Path: Issues of Access to Research Resources. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.
Krishtalka, L. (1999, January 16). National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. Biodiversity Observatory Networks, UC-Santa Barbara.
Krishtalka, L. (1999, January 8). Commission on Environmental Cooperation. North American Biodiversity Information Network, Montreal, Canada.
Krishtalka, L. (1998, December 17). Research Integration of Biocollections and Ecosystem Information. Conference, NPACI-San Diego Supercomputer Center.
Krishtalka, L. (1998, November 19). Networking Resources for Competitive Earth Systems Science: Biodiversity of the Great Plains project. AAAS Conference, Lawrence.
Organizer and Convener
Krishtalka, L. (1998, October 9). conference to establish National Consortium for the Study of Emerging Threats. Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe.
Krishtalka, L. (1998, September 13). Biodiversity Observatory Network. NSF workshop, Blandy Farm, Virginia.
Krishtalka, L. (1998, August 27). Kansas Legislative Committee on Information Technology, Lawrence.
Krishtalka, L. (1998, July 10). National Biological Information Infrastructure. Environment Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
Krishtalka, L. (1998, January 11). Informatics Infrastructure for the Systematics and Biocollections community. National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, Santa Barbara, CA.
Krishtalka, L. (1998, January 9). Earth Systems Science, Biodiversity Thrust Area. NPACI-San Diego Supercomputer Center conference, SDSC, San Diego.
Krishtalka, L. (1997, November 22). Canadian National Biodiversity Information Initiative Conference. Environment Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
Krishtalka, L. (1997, November 21). NAFTA Commission on Environmental Cooperation. North American Biodiversity Information Network (NABIN), Conference, Montreal, Canada.
Krishtalka, L. (1997, November 7). Networking Resources for Competitive Earth Systems Science. AAAS Conference, Sioux Falls, SD.
Krishtalka, L. (1997, July 8). Canadian National Biodiversity Information Initiative Conference. Environment Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
Krishtalka, L. (1997, April 26). Association of Systematics Collections, Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA.
The Collections-based Mission of Natural History Institutions
Krishtalka, L. (1997, February 27). Conference on a Canadian Organization for Biodiversity Information. Environment Canada, Ottawa, Canada.
Krishtalka, L. (1996, December). NAFTA Commission on Environmental Cooperation. North American Biodiversity Information Network, Montreal, Canada.
Symposium 2
Krishtalka, L., & Ashe, S. (1996, December 11). Workshop on Computer And Software Tools for Improving and Speeding Biodiversity Studies. Entomological Society of America, Entomological Collections Network, Annual Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky.
invited paper (given by Steve Ashe)
Krishtalka, L. (1996, October). NAFTA Commission on Environmental Cooperation. North American Biodiversity Information Network, Montreal, Canada.
Symposium 1
Krishtalka, L. (1996, September). First annual NSF/PEET workshop. Lawrence, Kansas.
organizer, convener, co-chair
Krishtalka, L. (1996, September). Workshop on biodiversity informatics. Leiden Museum, The Netherlands.
Krishtalka, L. (1996, May). Geology of Critical Intervals. Paleontological Society, Smithsonian, Washington, DC.
Krishtalka, L. (1996, April 15). US-OBI: United States Organization for Biodiversity Information, San Diego Supercomputer Center.
organizer, convener, co-chair
NSF-funded workshop
Krishtalka, L. (1996, March 27). Disseminating Biodiversity Information. European Science Foundation/UNESCO, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Awards & Honors —
AAAS Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (2002)
Special Merit Award for Excellence in Writing, CASE (Council for the Advancement and Support of Education) (1984)
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Externally Funded
Krishtalka, L. (Co-Principal), Trueb, Maddox, Smith, & Yochim. Advancing Research in Biodiversity Science. NSF ARI-R2 Repair and Renovation, $1,512,426 (2010 - 2013).
Krishtalka, L. (Principal). Gaps in Institutional Capacities in Relation to Biodiversity Priorities in Africa. JRS Foundation, $9,900 (2012).
substitute PI for J. Soberon
Krishtalka, L. (Co-Principal), Beach, McMullen, Dodds, & Andresen. EPSCoR RII Track 2—A CyberCommons for Ecological Forecasting. NSF Collaborative Proposal, $6,000,000 (2009).
3 years
Krishtalka, L. (Co-Principal), Nagel, J., Braaten, S., Peterson, A. T., & Wildcat, D. C-Change: Climate Change, Humans and Nature in the Global Environment. NSF: IGERT, $3,200,000 (2008).
5 years
Krishtalka, L. (Principal), Peterson, T. (Co-Principal), Moyle, R. (Co-Principal), Brown, R. (Co-Principal), Robbins, M. (Co-Principal), & Grose, M. (Co-Principal). Forecasting the Spread of Emerging Zoonotic Diseases. US Centers for Disease Control, $1,120,000 (2008).
Krishtalka, L. (Principal). Expansions of the collections of the University of Kansas Natural History Museum and Biodiversity Research Center. NSF, $498,821 (2007).
1.5 years, with 4 co-PIs
Krishtalka, L. (Principal). An Ecoforecasting Center for the Great Plains. NSF, $6,837,783 (2006).
3 years, with 5 co-PIs
Krishtalka, L. (Principal). Acquisition of an ABI 3100 Sequencer. Kansas NSF EPSCoR, $105,645 (2004).
6 months
Krishtalka, L. (Principal), Beach, J. (Co-Principal), Vieglais, D. (Co-Principal), & Peterson, T. (Co-Principal). Biodiversity Informatics Research and Bioterrorism. US Department of Defense, $2,000,000 (2004).
Krishtalka, L. (Principal), AIBS consortium (Co-Principal), & Hayden, B. (Co-Principal). NEON—Planning the National Ecological Observatory Network. NSF, $6,000,000 (2004).
PI with 6 co-PIs
Krishtalka, L. (Co-Principal), & West, D. Ecological Niche Modeling: A new approach to analyzing the hominid record. NSF, $34,808 (2003).
one year
Krishtalka, L. (Principal), & Beach (Co-Principal). A Biodiversity Information Technology Facility. US Department of Education, $1,275,000 (2001).
Krishtalka, L. Biodiversity Informatics. Occidental Petroleum Corporation, $250,000 (2001).
Krishtalka, L. Knowledge Networking of Biodiversity Information. NSF, $81,819 (2001).
Krishtalka, L., & Ashe, J. Biodiversity Information Management for the PEET research community. NSF, $34,012 (2000).
Supplement 2 to J. Ashe PEET award
Krishtalka, L., Orr, J. (Principal), & Linton, M. Initiative for Minority Student Development. NIH Education Grant, $2,000,000 (2000).
With co-investigators, 4 years.
Krishtalka, L., Kolosick, J., & Kemp, B. Interactive Learning Modules. Frueauff Foundation, $30,000 (2000).
Krishtalka, L. National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure. NSF, $60,000 (2000).
Subcontract for Earth Systems Science
Krishtalka, L., & Ashe, J. Biodiversity Information Management for the PEET research community. NSF, $32,704 (1999).
Supplement to J. Ashe PEET award
Krishtalka, L. (Co-Principal), & Beach, J. Knowledge Networking of Biodiversity Information. NSF, $200,000 (1999).
Krishtalka, L. (Principal). National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure. NSF, $60,000 (1999).
Subcontract for Earth Systems Science
Krishtalka, L. (Co-Principal). An Experimental Information Retrieval Protocol Test Bed for Biological Collection and Taxonomic Data. NSF: Z39.50, $99,430 (1998).
1 year, [1 of 7 co-PIs]
Krishtalka, L. (Co-Principal), & Beach (Principal). Deploying a Community Software Application for Biocollections Information. NSF: OZ, $420,000 (1998).
1.5 years
Krishtalka, L. (Co-Principal), & Niebaum, J. High-Performance Network Connection in Support of Meritorious Research at University of Kansas. NSF, $350,000 (1998).
2 Years, (co-PI with J. Niebaum and 3 others)
Krishtalka, L. (Co-Principal). Knowledge Networking of Biodiversity Information. NSF, $2,000,000 (1998).
Three years, [one of 5 co-PIs]
Krishtalka, L. (Principal). National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (NPACI). NSF, $60,000 (1998).
Subcontract for Earth Systems Science
Krishtalka, L. Supplement to 'Collaborative Workshop on the Mission and Design of a National Organization for Biodiversity Information'. NSF, $15,153 (1998).
to complete the report of the Working Group on Biological Informatics of the OECD Megascience Forum
Krishtalka, L. National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure. NSF, $60,000 (1997).
1 year, Earth Systems Science
Krishtalka, L. Recovery, Preparation and Exhibit of the Wyoming Dinosaur Discovery. State of Kansas, Tourism Attraction Program, $55,000 (1997).
1.5 years
Krishtalka, L. Supplement to 'Collaborative Workshop on the Mission and Design of a National Organization for Biodiversity Information'. NSF, $13,633 (1997).
to plan the knowledge networking of biodiversity information
Krishtalka, L. (Principal), Humphries, J., & Beach, J. Acquisition of Computer Systems for Creating Analytical Interfaces to Diverse Environmental Data. Kansas Technology Enterprise Corporation, $150,000 (1996).
1 year
Krishtalka, L. (Co-Principal), & Humphries, J. Acquisition of Computer Systems for Creating Analytical Interfaces to Diverse Environmental Data. NSF/ARI, $362,003 (1996).
3 years
Krishtalka, L. (Principal), Humphries, J., & Arzberger, P. Collaborative Workshop on the Mission and Design of a National Organization for Biodiversity Information. NSF, $70,000 (1996).
1 year
Krishtalka, L. First Annual PEET Workshop on Information Acquisition and Dissemination. NSF, $57,224 (1996).
supplement to KU/J. Ashe PEET award
Krishtalka, L. (Principal), Beard, C., Dawson, M. R., & Stucky, R. Excavation and Survey of Paleocene and Eocene Faunas of the Wind River Basin, Wyoming. University of Pittsburgh, NSF Accomplishment-Based Renewal, $148,000 (1991).
2 years
Krishtalka, L. (Principal), & Stucky, R. Excavation and Survey of Paleocene and Eocene Faunas of the Wind River Basin, Wyoming. NSF, $85,774 (1988).
2 years
Krishtalka, L. (Principal), Stucky, R., & Dawson, M. R. Excavation and Survey of Paleocene and Eocene Faunas of the Wind River Basin, Wyoming. NSF, $165,108 (1987).
3 years
Krishtalka, L. (Co-Principal), & Stucky, R. Geology and Remote Sensing in the Wind River Basin, Wyoming. NASA: Basin Project, $120,000 (1986).
2 years
Krishtalka, L. (Principal), Stucky, R. K., Dawson, M. R., & West, R. M. Survey of Eocene Faunas of the Wind River Basin, Wyoming, and the Uinta Basin, Utah. NSF Research Grant, $102,941 (1984).
3 years
Krishtalka, L. Collections Grant to the Section of Vertebrate Fossils, Carnegie Museum. NSF, $130,753 (1982).
3 years, with Section staff
Krishtalka, L. Paleontological Survey of Neogene deposits in the Middle Awash Area, Ethiopia. M. Graham Netting Research Grant, $5,000 (1981).
1 yr
Krishtalka, L. Collection Improvement Renewal to the Section of Vertebrate Fossils, Carnegie Museum. NSF, $100,000 (1980).
2 years, with Section Staff
Krishtalka, L., & Bjelland, A. Becoming Human: the Biocultural Journey. NEH: Learning Museum Program, $330,000 (1978).
3 years
Krishtalka, L. Collection improvement, Section of Vertebrate Fossils, Carnegie Museum. NSF, $195,200 (1978).
3 years, with Section staff
Krishtalka, L. Mammalian Paleontology and Paleoecology in the North American Eocene. NSF, $37,622 (1976).
with Section staff
Memberships —
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (1973 - 2003)